69 const Entity*,
const std::string& _oldName,
const std::string& _newName)>;
85 virtual const std::string&
const std::string& _name) = 0;
88 virtual const std::string&
const = 0;
Definition ClassWithVirtualBase.hpp:44
Definition ClassWithVirtualBase.hpp:43
#define DART_DEPRECATED(version)
Definition Deprecated.hpp:51
SlotRegister can be used as a public member for connecting slots to a private Signal member.
Definition Signal.hpp:229
The Subject class is a base class for any object that wants to report when it gets destroyed.
Definition Subject.hpp:58
The Detachable class is a special case of the Entity base class.
Definition Entity.hpp:238
Constructor for inheriting classes, so they do not need to fill in the arguments.
Definition Entity.cpp:284
virtual void setParentFrame(Frame *_newParentFrame)
Allows the user to change the parent Frame of this Entity.
Definition Entity.cpp:278
Entity class is a base class for any objects that exist in the kinematic tree structure of DART.
Definition Entity.hpp:61
Frame * getParentFrame()
Get the parent (reference) frame of this Entity.
Definition Entity.cpp:81
virtual void dirtyVelocity()
Notify the velocity update of this Entity that its parent Frame's velocity is needed.
Definition Entity.cpp:159
EntitySignal mAccelerationChangedSignal
Acceleration changed signal.
Definition Entity.hpp:203
bool isFrame() const
True iff this Entity is also a Frame.
Definition Entity.cpp:125
bool mAmFrame
Whether or not this Entity is a Frame.
Definition Entity.hpp:230
Default constructor, delegates to Entity(ConstructAbstract_t)
Definition Entity.cpp:69
Used when constructing a Frame class, because the Frame constructor will take care of setting up the ...
Definition Entity.hpp:156
@ ConstructFrame
Definition Entity.hpp:157
bool descendsFrom(const Frame *_someFrame) const
Returns true if and only if this Entity is itself (i.e.
Definition Entity.cpp:93
FrameChangedSignal mFrameChangedSignal
Frame changed signal.
Definition Entity.hpp:191
const bool mAmQuiet
Whether or not this Entity is set to be quiet.
Definition Entity.hpp:227
Frame * mParentFrame
Parent frame of this Entity.
Definition Entity.hpp:176
virtual void notifyAccelerationUpdate()
Notify the acceleration of this Entity that its parent Frame's acceleration is needed.
Definition Entity.cpp:175
virtual void changeParentFrame(Frame *_newParentFrame)
Used by derived classes to change their parent frames.
Definition Entity.cpp:233
EntitySignal mTransformUpdatedSignal
Transform changed signal.
Definition Entity.hpp:197
virtual ~Entity()
Definition Entity.cpp:75
bool needsAccelerationUpdate() const
Returns true iff an acceleration update is needed for this Entity.
Definition Entity.cpp:191
common::SlotRegister< EntitySignal > onVelocityChanged
Slot register for velocity updated signal.
Definition Entity.hpp:220
virtual void dirtyAcceleration()
Notify the acceleration of this Entity that its parent Frame's acceleration is needed.
Definition Entity.cpp:181
EntitySignal mVelocityChangedSignal
Velocity changed signal.
Definition Entity.hpp:200
common::SlotRegister< FrameChangedSignal > onFrameChanged
Slot register for frame changed signal.
Definition Entity.hpp:211
bool mNeedAccelerationUpdate
Does this Entity need an Acceleration update.
Definition Entity.hpp:187
virtual const std::string & setName(const std::string &_name)=0
Set name.
bool needsVelocityUpdate() const
Returns true iff a velocity update is needed for this Entity.
Definition Entity.cpp:169
NameChangedSignal mNameChangedSignal
Name changed signal.
Definition Entity.hpp:194
virtual void notifyVelocityUpdate()
Notify the velocity update of this Entity that its parent Frame's velocity is needed.
Definition Entity.cpp:153
common::SlotRegister< EntitySignal > onTransformUpdated
Slot register for transform updated signal.
Definition Entity.hpp:217
virtual void notifyTransformUpdate()
Notify the transformation update of this Entity that its parent Frame's pose is needed.
Definition Entity.cpp:131
Used when constructing a pure abstract class, because calling the Entity constructor is just a formal...
Definition Entity.hpp:165
@ ConstructAbstract
Definition Entity.hpp:166
bool mNeedTransformUpdate
Does this Entity need a Transform update.
Definition Entity.hpp:179
Entity(const Entity &)=delete
bool isQuiet() const
Returns true if this Entity is set to be quiet.
Definition Entity.cpp:119
bool mNeedVelocityUpdate
Does this Entity need a Velocity update.
Definition Entity.hpp:183
common::SlotRegister< NameChangedSignal > onNameChanged
Slot register for name changed signal.
Definition Entity.hpp:214
virtual void dirtyTransform()
Notify the transformation update of this Entity that its parent Frame's pose is needed.
Definition Entity.cpp:137
common::SlotRegister< EntitySignal > onAccelerationChanged
Slot register for acceleration updated signal.
Definition Entity.hpp:223
bool needsTransformUpdate() const
Returns true iff a transform update is needed for this Entity.
Definition Entity.cpp:147
virtual const std::string & getName() const =0
Return the name of this Entity.
The Frame class serves as the backbone of DART's kinematic tree structure.
Definition Frame.hpp:58
Definition BulletCollisionDetector.cpp:65