DART  6.10.1
dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver Class Reference

#include <BoxedLcpConstraintSolver.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver:

Public Member Functions

 BoxedLcpConstraintSolver (double timeStep, BoxedLcpSolverPtr boxedLcpSolver=nullptr, BoxedLcpSolverPtr secondaryBoxedLcpSolver=nullptr)
 Constructor. More...
 BoxedLcpConstraintSolver ()
 Constructos with default primary and secondary LCP solvers, which are Dantzig and PGS, respectively. More...
 BoxedLcpConstraintSolver (BoxedLcpSolverPtr boxedLcpSolver)
 Constructors with specific primary LCP solver. More...
 BoxedLcpConstraintSolver (BoxedLcpSolverPtr boxedLcpSolver, BoxedLcpSolverPtr secondaryBoxedLcpSolver)
 Constructs with specific primary and secondary LCP solvers. More...
void setBoxedLcpSolver (BoxedLcpSolverPtr lcpSolver)
 Sets boxed LCP (BLCP) solver. More...
ConstBoxedLcpSolverPtr getBoxedLcpSolver () const
 Returns boxed LCP (BLCP) solver. More...
void setSecondaryBoxedLcpSolver (BoxedLcpSolverPtr lcpSolver)
 Sets boxed LCP (BLCP) solver that is used when the primary solver failed. More...
ConstBoxedLcpSolverPtr getSecondaryBoxedLcpSolver () const
 Returns boxed LCP (BLCP) solver that is used when the primary solver failed. More...
void addSkeleton (const dynamics::SkeletonPtr &skeleton)
 Add single skeleton. More...
void addSkeletons (const std::vector< dynamics::SkeletonPtr > &skeletons)
 Add mutiple skeletons. More...
const std::vector< dynamics::SkeletonPtr > & getSkeletons () const
 Returns all the skeletons added to this ConstraintSolver. More...
void removeSkeleton (const dynamics::SkeletonPtr &skeleton)
 Remove single skeleton. More...
void removeSkeletons (const std::vector< dynamics::SkeletonPtr > &skeletons)
 Remove multiple skeletons. More...
void removeAllSkeletons ()
 Remove all skeletons in this constraint solver. More...
void addConstraint (const ConstraintBasePtr &constraint)
 Add a constraint. More...
void removeConstraint (const ConstraintBasePtr &constraint)
 Remove a constraint. More...
void removeAllConstraints ()
 Remove all constraints. More...
std::size_t getNumConstraints () const
 Returns the number of constraints that was manually added to this ConstraintSolver. More...
constraint::ConstraintBasePtr getConstraint (std::size_t index)
 Returns a constraint by index. More...
constraint::ConstConstraintBasePtr getConstraint (std::size_t index) const
 Returns a constraint by index. More...
std::vector< constraint::ConstraintBasePtrgetConstraints ()
 Returns all the constraints added to this ConstraintSolver. More...
std::vector< constraint::ConstConstraintBasePtrgetConstraints () const
 Returns all the constraints added to this ConstraintSolver. More...
void clearLastCollisionResult ()
 Clears the last collision result. More...
virtual void setTimeStep (double _timeStep)
 Set time step. More...
double getTimeStep () const
 Get time step. More...
void setCollisionDetector (collision::CollisionDetector *collisionDetector)
 Set collision detector. More...
void setCollisionDetector (const std::shared_ptr< collision::CollisionDetector > &collisionDetector)
 Set collision detector. More...
collision::CollisionDetectorPtr getCollisionDetector ()
 Get collision detector. More...
collision::ConstCollisionDetectorPtr getCollisionDetector () const
 Get (const) collision detector. More...
collision::CollisionGroupPtr getCollisionGroup ()
 Return collision group of collision objects that are added to this ConstraintSolver. More...
collision::ConstCollisionGroupPtr getCollisionGroup () const
 Return (const) collision group of collision objects that are added to this ConstraintSolver. More...
collision::CollisionOptiongetCollisionOption ()
 Returns collision option that is used for collision checkings in this ConstraintSolver to generate contact constraints. More...
const collision::CollisionOptiongetCollisionOption () const
 Returns collision option that is used for collision checkings in this ConstraintSolver to generate contact constraints. More...
collision::CollisionResultgetLastCollisionResult ()
 Return the last collision checking result. More...
const collision::CollisionResultgetLastCollisionResult () const
 Return the last collision checking result. More...
void setLCPSolver (std::unique_ptr< LCPSolver > lcpSolver)
 Set LCP solver. More...
LCPSolvergetLCPSolver () const
 Get LCP solver. More...
void solve ()
 Solve constraint impulses and apply them to the skeletons. More...
virtual void setFromOtherConstraintSolver (const ConstraintSolver &other)
 Sets this constraint solver using other constraint solver. More...

Protected Types

using CollisionDetector = collision::CollisionDetector

Protected Member Functions

void solveConstrainedGroup (ConstrainedGroup &group) override
bool containSkeleton (const dynamics::ConstSkeletonPtr &skeleton) const
 Check if the skeleton is contained in this solver. More...
bool checkAndAddSkeleton (const dynamics::SkeletonPtr &skeleton)
 Add skeleton if the constraint is not contained in this solver. More...
bool containConstraint (const ConstConstraintBasePtr &constraint) const
 Check if the constraint is contained in this solver. More...
bool checkAndAddConstraint (const ConstraintBasePtr &constraint)
 Add constraint if the constraint is not contained in this solver. More...
void updateConstraints ()
 Update constraints. More...
void buildConstrainedGroups ()
 Build constrained groupsContact. More...
void solveConstrainedGroups ()
 Solve constrained groups. More...
bool isSoftContact (const collision::Contact &contact) const
 Return true if at least one of colliding body is soft body. More...

Protected Attributes

BoxedLcpSolverPtr mBoxedLcpSolver
 Boxed LCP solver. More...
BoxedLcpSolverPtr mSecondaryBoxedLcpSolver
 Boxed LCP solver to be used when the primary solver failed. More...
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > mA
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > mABackup
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXd mX
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXd mXBackup
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXd mB
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXd mBBackup
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXd mW
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXd mLo
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXd mLoBackup
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXd mHi
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXd mHiBackup
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXi mFIndex
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXi mFIndexBackup
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
Eigen::VectorXi mOffset
 Cache data for boxed LCP formulation. More...
collision::CollisionDetectorPtr mCollisionDetector
 Collision detector. More...
collision::CollisionGroupPtr mCollisionGroup
 Collision group. More...
collision::CollisionOption mCollisionOption
 Collision detection option. More...
collision::CollisionResult mCollisionResult
 Last collision checking result. More...
double mTimeStep
 Time step. More...
std::vector< dynamics::SkeletonPtrmSkeletons
 Skeleton list. More...
std::vector< ContactConstraintPtrmContactConstraints
 Contact constraints those are automatically created. More...
std::vector< SoftContactConstraintPtrmSoftContactConstraints
 Soft contact constraints those are automatically created. More...
std::vector< JointLimitConstraintPtrmJointLimitConstraints
 Joint limit constraints those are automatically created. More...
std::vector< ServoMotorConstraintPtrmServoMotorConstraints
 Servo motor constraints those are automatically created. More...
std::vector< MimicMotorConstraintPtrmMimicMotorConstraints
 Mimic motor constraints those are automatically created. More...
std::vector< JointCoulombFrictionConstraintPtrmJointCoulombFrictionConstraints
 Joint Coulomb friction constraints those are automatically created. More...
std::vector< ConstraintBasePtrmManualConstraints
 Constraints that manually added. More...
std::vector< ConstraintBasePtrmActiveConstraints
 Active constraints. More...
std::vector< ConstrainedGroupmConstrainedGroups
 Constraint group list. More...

Private Member Functions

bool isSymmetric (std::size_t n, double *A)
 Return true if the matrix is symmetric. More...
bool isSymmetric (std::size_t n, double *A, std::size_t begin, std::size_t end)
 Return true if the diagonla block of matrix is symmetric. More...
void print (std::size_t n, double *A, double *x, double *lo, double *hi, double *b, double *w, int *findex)
 Print debug information. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CollisionDetector

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BoxedLcpConstraintSolver() [1/4]

dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver ( double  timeStep,
BoxedLcpSolverPtr  boxedLcpSolver = nullptr,
BoxedLcpSolverPtr  secondaryBoxedLcpSolver = nullptr 


[in]timeStepSimulation time step
[in]boxedLcpSolverThe primary boxed LCP solver. When nullptr is passed, Dantzig solver will be used.
[in]secondaryBoxedLcpSolverThe secondary boxed-LCP solver. When nullptr is passed, PGS solver will be used. This is to make the default solver setting to be Dantzig + PGS. In order to disable use of secondary solver, call setSecondaryBoxedLcpSolver(nullptr) explicitly.
Deprecated in DART 6.8. Please use other constructors that doesn't take timespte. Timestep should be set by the owner of this solver such as dart::simulation::World when the solver added.

◆ BoxedLcpConstraintSolver() [2/4]

dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver ( )

Constructos with default primary and secondary LCP solvers, which are Dantzig and PGS, respectively.

◆ BoxedLcpConstraintSolver() [3/4]

dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver ( BoxedLcpSolverPtr  boxedLcpSolver)

Constructors with specific primary LCP solver.

[in]boxedLcpSolverThe primary boxed LCP solver. When nullptr is passed, which is discouraged, Dantzig solver will be used.

◆ BoxedLcpConstraintSolver() [4/4]

dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver ( BoxedLcpSolverPtr  boxedLcpSolver,
BoxedLcpSolverPtr  secondaryBoxedLcpSolver 

Constructs with specific primary and secondary LCP solvers.

[in]boxedLcpSolverThe primary boxed LCP solver. When nullptr is passed, which is discouraged, Dantzig solver will be used.
[in]secondaryBoxedLcpSolverThe secondary boxed-LCP solver. Pass nullptr to disable using secondary LCP solver.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addConstraint()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::addConstraint ( const ConstraintBasePtr constraint)

Add a constraint.

◆ addSkeleton()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::addSkeleton ( const dynamics::SkeletonPtr skeleton)

Add single skeleton.

◆ addSkeletons()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::addSkeletons ( const std::vector< dynamics::SkeletonPtr > &  skeletons)

Add mutiple skeletons.

◆ buildConstrainedGroups()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::buildConstrainedGroups ( )

Build constrained groupsContact.

◆ checkAndAddConstraint()

bool dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::checkAndAddConstraint ( const ConstraintBasePtr constraint)

Add constraint if the constraint is not contained in this solver.

◆ checkAndAddSkeleton()

bool dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::checkAndAddSkeleton ( const dynamics::SkeletonPtr skeleton)

Add skeleton if the constraint is not contained in this solver.

◆ clearLastCollisionResult()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::clearLastCollisionResult ( )

Clears the last collision result.

◆ containConstraint()

bool dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::containConstraint ( const ConstConstraintBasePtr constraint) const

Check if the constraint is contained in this solver.

◆ containSkeleton()

bool dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::containSkeleton ( const dynamics::ConstSkeletonPtr skeleton) const

Check if the skeleton is contained in this solver.

◆ getBoxedLcpSolver()

ConstBoxedLcpSolverPtr dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::getBoxedLcpSolver ( ) const

Returns boxed LCP (BLCP) solver.

◆ getCollisionDetector() [1/2]

collision::CollisionDetectorPtr dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getCollisionDetector ( )

Get collision detector.

◆ getCollisionDetector() [2/2]

collision::ConstCollisionDetectorPtr dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getCollisionDetector ( ) const

Get (const) collision detector.

◆ getCollisionGroup() [1/2]

collision::CollisionGroupPtr dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getCollisionGroup ( )

Return collision group of collision objects that are added to this ConstraintSolver.

◆ getCollisionGroup() [2/2]

collision::ConstCollisionGroupPtr dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getCollisionGroup ( ) const

Return (const) collision group of collision objects that are added to this ConstraintSolver.

◆ getCollisionOption() [1/2]

collision::CollisionOption & dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getCollisionOption ( )

Returns collision option that is used for collision checkings in this ConstraintSolver to generate contact constraints.

◆ getCollisionOption() [2/2]

const collision::CollisionOption & dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getCollisionOption ( ) const

Returns collision option that is used for collision checkings in this ConstraintSolver to generate contact constraints.

◆ getConstraint() [1/2]

ConstraintBasePtr dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getConstraint ( std::size_t  index)

Returns a constraint by index.

◆ getConstraint() [2/2]

ConstConstraintBasePtr dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getConstraint ( std::size_t  index) const

Returns a constraint by index.

◆ getConstraints() [1/2]

std::vector< ConstraintBasePtr > dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getConstraints ( )

Returns all the constraints added to this ConstraintSolver.

◆ getConstraints() [2/2]

std::vector< ConstConstraintBasePtr > dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getConstraints ( ) const

Returns all the constraints added to this ConstraintSolver.

◆ getLastCollisionResult() [1/2]

collision::CollisionResult & dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getLastCollisionResult ( )

Return the last collision checking result.

◆ getLastCollisionResult() [2/2]

const collision::CollisionResult & dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getLastCollisionResult ( ) const

Return the last collision checking result.

◆ getLCPSolver()

LCPSolver * dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getLCPSolver ( ) const

Get LCP solver.

◆ getNumConstraints()

std::size_t dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getNumConstraints ( ) const

Returns the number of constraints that was manually added to this ConstraintSolver.

◆ getSecondaryBoxedLcpSolver()

ConstBoxedLcpSolverPtr dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::getSecondaryBoxedLcpSolver ( ) const

Returns boxed LCP (BLCP) solver that is used when the primary solver failed.

◆ getSkeletons()

const std::vector< SkeletonPtr > & dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getSkeletons ( ) const

Returns all the skeletons added to this ConstraintSolver.

◆ getTimeStep()

double dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::getTimeStep ( ) const

Get time step.

◆ isSoftContact()

bool dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::isSoftContact ( const collision::Contact contact) const

Return true if at least one of colliding body is soft body.

◆ isSymmetric() [1/2]

bool dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::isSymmetric ( std::size_t  n,
double *  A 

Return true if the matrix is symmetric.

◆ isSymmetric() [2/2]

bool dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::isSymmetric ( std::size_t  n,
double *  A,
std::size_t  begin,
std::size_t  end 

Return true if the diagonla block of matrix is symmetric.

◆ print()

void dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::print ( std::size_t  n,
double *  A,
double *  x,
double *  lo,
double *  hi,
double *  b,
double *  w,
int *  findex 

Print debug information.

◆ removeAllConstraints()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::removeAllConstraints ( )

Remove all constraints.

◆ removeAllSkeletons()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::removeAllSkeletons ( )

Remove all skeletons in this constraint solver.

◆ removeConstraint()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::removeConstraint ( const ConstraintBasePtr constraint)

Remove a constraint.

◆ removeSkeleton()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::removeSkeleton ( const dynamics::SkeletonPtr skeleton)

Remove single skeleton.

◆ removeSkeletons()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::removeSkeletons ( const std::vector< dynamics::SkeletonPtr > &  skeletons)

Remove multiple skeletons.

◆ setBoxedLcpSolver()

void dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::setBoxedLcpSolver ( BoxedLcpSolverPtr  lcpSolver)

Sets boxed LCP (BLCP) solver.

[in]lcpSolverThe primary boxed LCP solver. When nullptr is passed, Dantzig solver will be used.

◆ setCollisionDetector() [1/2]

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::setCollisionDetector ( collision::CollisionDetector collisionDetector)

Set collision detector.

This function acquires ownership of the CollisionDetector passed as an argument. This method is deprecated in favor of the overload that accepts a std::shared_ptr.

◆ setCollisionDetector() [2/2]

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::setCollisionDetector ( const std::shared_ptr< collision::CollisionDetector > &  collisionDetector)

Set collision detector.

◆ setFromOtherConstraintSolver()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::setFromOtherConstraintSolver ( const ConstraintSolver other)

Sets this constraint solver using other constraint solver.

All the properties and registered skeletons and constraints will be copied over.

◆ setLCPSolver()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::setLCPSolver ( std::unique_ptr< LCPSolver lcpSolver)

Set LCP solver.

◆ setSecondaryBoxedLcpSolver()

void dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::setSecondaryBoxedLcpSolver ( BoxedLcpSolverPtr  lcpSolver)

Sets boxed LCP (BLCP) solver that is used when the primary solver failed.

◆ setTimeStep()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::setTimeStep ( double  _timeStep)

Set time step.

◆ solve()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::solve ( )

Solve constraint impulses and apply them to the skeletons.

◆ solveConstrainedGroup()

void dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::solveConstrainedGroup ( ConstrainedGroup group)

◆ solveConstrainedGroups()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::solveConstrainedGroups ( )

Solve constrained groups.

◆ updateConstraints()

void dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::updateConstraints ( )

Update constraints.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mA

Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mA

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mABackup

Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mABackup

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mActiveConstraints

std::vector<ConstraintBasePtr> dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mActiveConstraints

Active constraints.

◆ mB

Eigen::VectorXd dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mB

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mBBackup

Eigen::VectorXd dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mBBackup

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mBoxedLcpSolver

BoxedLcpSolverPtr dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mBoxedLcpSolver

Boxed LCP solver.

◆ mCollisionDetector

collision::CollisionDetectorPtr dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mCollisionDetector

Collision detector.

◆ mCollisionGroup

collision::CollisionGroupPtr dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mCollisionGroup

Collision group.

◆ mCollisionOption

collision::CollisionOption dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mCollisionOption

Collision detection option.

◆ mCollisionResult

collision::CollisionResult dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mCollisionResult

Last collision checking result.

◆ mConstrainedGroups

std::vector<ConstrainedGroup> dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mConstrainedGroups

Constraint group list.

◆ mContactConstraints

std::vector<ContactConstraintPtr> dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mContactConstraints

Contact constraints those are automatically created.

◆ mFIndex

Eigen::VectorXi dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mFIndex

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mFIndexBackup

Eigen::VectorXi dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mFIndexBackup

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mHi

Eigen::VectorXd dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mHi

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mHiBackup

Eigen::VectorXd dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mHiBackup

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mJointCoulombFrictionConstraints

std::vector<JointCoulombFrictionConstraintPtr> dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mJointCoulombFrictionConstraints

Joint Coulomb friction constraints those are automatically created.

◆ mJointLimitConstraints

std::vector<JointLimitConstraintPtr> dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mJointLimitConstraints

Joint limit constraints those are automatically created.

◆ mLo

Eigen::VectorXd dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mLo

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mLoBackup

Eigen::VectorXd dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mLoBackup

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mManualConstraints

std::vector<ConstraintBasePtr> dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mManualConstraints

Constraints that manually added.

◆ mMimicMotorConstraints

std::vector<MimicMotorConstraintPtr> dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mMimicMotorConstraints

Mimic motor constraints those are automatically created.

◆ mOffset

Eigen::VectorXi dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mOffset

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mSecondaryBoxedLcpSolver

BoxedLcpSolverPtr dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mSecondaryBoxedLcpSolver

Boxed LCP solver to be used when the primary solver failed.

◆ mServoMotorConstraints

std::vector<ServoMotorConstraintPtr> dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mServoMotorConstraints

Servo motor constraints those are automatically created.

◆ mSkeletons

std::vector<dynamics::SkeletonPtr> dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mSkeletons

Skeleton list.

◆ mSoftContactConstraints

std::vector<SoftContactConstraintPtr> dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mSoftContactConstraints

Soft contact constraints those are automatically created.

◆ mTimeStep

double dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::mTimeStep

Time step.

◆ mW

Eigen::VectorXd dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mW

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mX

Eigen::VectorXd dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mX

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.

◆ mXBackup

Eigen::VectorXd dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::mXBackup

Cache data for boxed LCP formulation.