No Matches
- Member dart::collision::CollisionFilter::needCollision (const CollisionObject *object1, const CollisionObject *object2) const
- Deprecated in 6.3.0. Please use ignoreCollision instead. Note that ignoreCollision returns logically opposite to what needCollision returns.
- Member dart::common::detail::SharedLibraryManager::load (const boost::filesystem::path &path)
- Deprecated in 6.10. Please use load(const std::string&) instead.
- Member dart::common::make_unique (Args &&... args)
- Deprecated in 6.9. Use std::make_unique instead.
- Member dart::common::SharedLibrary::create (const boost::filesystem::path &path)
- Deprecated in 6.10. Please use create(const std::string&) instead.
- Member dart::common::SharedLibrary::SharedLibrary (ProtectedConstructionTag, const boost::filesystem::path &path)
- Deprecated in 6.10. Please use SharedLibrary(ProtectedConstructionTag, const std::string&) instead.
- Member dart::constraint::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver::BoxedLcpConstraintSolver (double timeStep, BoxedLcpSolverPtr boxedLcpSolver=nullptr, BoxedLcpSolverPtr secondaryBoxedLcpSolver=nullptr)
- Deprecated in DART 6.8. Please use other constructors that doesn't take timespte. Timestep should be set by the owner of this solver such as dart::simulation::World when the solver added.
- Member dart::constraint::ConstraintSolver::ConstraintSolver (double timeStep)
- Deprecated in DART 6.8. Please use other constructors that doesn't take timespte. Timestep should be set by the owner of this solver such as dart::simulation::World when the solver added.
- Class dart::constraint::DantzigLCPSolver
- This header has been deprecated in DART 6.7. Please include DantzigBoxedLcpSolver.hpp intead.
- Class dart::constraint::LCPSolver
- This header has been deprecated in DART 6.7.
- Class dart::constraint::PGSLCPSolver
- This header has been deprecated in DART 6.7. Please include PgsBoxedLcpSolver.hpp intead.
- Member dart::dynamics::BodyNode::getFrictionCoeff () const
- Deprecated since DART 6.10. Please set the friction coefficient per ShapeNode of the BodyNode. This will be removed in the next major release.
- Member dart::dynamics::BodyNode::getRestitutionCoeff () const
- Deprecated since DART 6.10. Please set the restitution coefficient per ShapeNode of the BodyNode. This will be removed in the next major release.
- Member dart::dynamics::BodyNode::mIsColliding
- DART_DEPRECATED(6.0) See #670 for more detail.
- Member dart::dynamics::BodyNode::setFrictionCoeff (double _coeff)
- Deprecated since DART 6.10. Please set the friction coefficient per ShapeNode of the BodyNode. This will be removed in the next major release.
- Member dart::dynamics::BodyNode::setRestitutionCoeff (double _coeff)
- Deprecated since DART 6.10. Please set the restitution coefficient per ShapeNode of the BodyNode. This will be removed in the next major release.
- Member dart::dynamics::detail::BodyNodeAspectProperties::BodyNodeAspectProperties (const std::string &name, const Inertia &_inertia, bool _isCollidable, double _frictionCoeff, double _restitutionCoeff, bool _gravityMode)
- Deprecated since DART 6.10 because the friction and restitution properties shouldn't be included in this constructor since they are deprecated.
- Member dart::dynamics::detail::BodyNodeAspectProperties::mFrictionCoeff
- Deprecated since DART 6.10. Please set the friction coefficient per ShapeNode of the BodyNode. This will be removed in the next major release.
- Member dart::dynamics::detail::BodyNodeAspectProperties::mRestitutionCoeff
- Deprecated since DART 6.10. Please set the restitution coefficient per ShapeNode of the BodyNode. This will be removed in the next major release.
- Member dart::dynamics::EllipsoidShape::getSize () const
- Deprecated in 6.2. Please use getDiameters() instead.
- Member dart::dynamics::EllipsoidShape::setSize (const Eigen::Vector3d &diameters)
- Deprecated in 6.2. Please use setDiameters() instead.
- Member dart::dynamics::FreeJoint::setTransform (Joint *joint, const Eigen::Isometry3d &tf, const Frame *withRespectTo=Frame::World())
- Deprecated in DART 6.9. Use setTransformOf() instead
- Member dart::dynamics::FreeJoint::setTransform (Skeleton *skeleton, const Eigen::Isometry3d &tf, const Frame *withRespectTo=Frame::World(), bool applyToAllRootBodies=true)
- Deprecated in DART 6.9. Use setTransformOf() instead
- Member dart::dynamics::FreeJoint::setTransform (BodyNode *bodyNode, const Eigen::Isometry3d &tf, const Frame *withRespectTo=Frame::World())
- Deprecated in DART 6.9. Use setTransformOf() instead
- Member dart::dynamics::HierarchicalIK::solve (bool applySolution=true)
- Deprecated in DART 6.8. Please use solveAndApply() instead.
- Member dart::dynamics::HierarchicalIK::solve (Eigen::VectorXd &positions, bool applySolution=true)
- Deprecated in DART 6.8. Please use solveAndApply() or findSolution() instead.
- Member dart::dynamics::InverseKinematics::solve (bool applySolution=true)
- Deprecated in DART 6.8. Please use solveAndApply() instead.
- Member dart::dynamics::InverseKinematics::solve (Eigen::VectorXd &positions, bool applySolution=true)
- Deprecated in DART 6.8. Please use solveAndApply() or findSolution() instead.
- Member dart::dynamics::Joint::isPositionLimitEnforced () const
- Deprecated since DART 6.10. Please use areLimitsEnforced() instead
- Member dart::dynamics::Joint::setPositionLimitEnforced (bool enforced)
- Deprecated since DART 6.10. Please use setLimitEnforcement() instead
- Member dart::dynamics::Shape::getShapeType () const
- Deprecated in 6.1. Please use getType() instead.
- Member dart::dynamics::Shape::mType
- Deprecated in 6.1. Please use getType() instead. Type of primitive shpae.
- Member dart::dynamics::Shape::Shape (ShapeType _type)
- Deprecated in 6.1. Please use getType() instead.
- Member dart::dynamics::Shape::ShapeType
- Deprecated in 6.1. Please use getType() instead.
- Member dart::dynamics::Skeleton::clone () const
- Deprecated in DART 6.7. Please use cloneSkeleton() instead.
- Member dart::dynamics::Skeleton::clone (const std::string &cloneName) const
- Deprecated in DART 6.7. Please use cloneSkeleton() instead.
- Member dart::gui::drawStringOnScreen (float x, float y, const std::string &s, bool bigFont)
- Deprecated in 6.6. Please use dart::gui::glut::drawStringOnScreen() instead in dart/gui/glut/GLUTFuncs.hpp file.
- Member dart::math::random (double _min, double _max)
- Please use Random::uniform() instead.
- Member dart::math::randomVector (double _min, double _max)
- Please use Random::uniform() instead.
- Member dart::math::randomVector (double _limit)
- Please use Random::uniform() instead.
- Member dart::math::randomVectorXd (std::size_t size, double min, double max)
- Please use Random::uniform() instead.
- Member dart::math::randomVectorXd (std::size_t size, double limit)
- Please use Random::uniform() instead.