DART 6.7.3
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dart::dynamics::Skeleton Class Reference

class Skeleton More...

#include <Skeleton.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for dart::dynamics::Skeleton:
dart::common::VersionCounter dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton dart::dynamics::SkeletonSpecializedFor< ShapeNode, EndEffector, Marker > dart::common::EmbedPropertiesOnTopOf< DerivedT, PropertiesDataT, CompositeBases > dart::common::Subject dart::common::CompositeJoiner< EmbedProperties< DerivedT, PropertiesDataT >, CompositeBases... >


struct  Configuration
 The Configuration struct represents the joint configuration of a Skeleton. More...
struct  DataCache
struct  DirtyFlags

Public Types

enum  ConfigFlags {
using AspectPropertiesData = detail::SkeletonAspectProperties
using AspectProperties = common::Aspect::MakeProperties< AspectPropertiesData >
using State = common::Composite::State
using Properties = common::Composite::Properties
using NameChangedSignal = common::Signal< void(std::shared_ptr< const MetaSkeleton > _skeleton, const std::string &_oldName, const std::string &_newName)>
using Impl = EmbedProperties< DerivedT, PropertiesDataT >
using Derived = typename Impl::Derived
using Aspect = typename Impl::Aspect
using Base = CompositeJoiner< Impl, CompositeBases... >

Public Member Functions

void integratePositions (double _dt)
void integrateVelocities (double _dt)
Eigen::VectorXd getPositionDifferences (const Eigen::VectorXd &_q2, const Eigen::VectorXd &_q1) const
 Return the difference of two generalized positions which are measured in the configuration space of this Skeleton.
Eigen::VectorXd getVelocityDifferences (const Eigen::VectorXd &_dq2, const Eigen::VectorXd &_dq1) const
 Return the difference of two generalized velocities or accelerations which are measured in the tangent space at the identity.
void computeForwardKinematics (bool _updateTransforms=true, bool _updateVels=true, bool _updateAccs=true)
 Compute forward kinematics.
void computeForwardDynamics ()
 Compute forward dynamics.
void computeInverseDynamics (bool _withExternalForces=false, bool _withDampingForces=false, bool _withSpringForces=false)
 Compute inverse dynamics.
void clearConstraintImpulses ()
 Clear constraint impulses and cache data used for impulse-based forward dynamics algorithm, where the constraint impulses are spatial constraints on the BodyNodes and generalized constraints on the Joints.
void updateBiasImpulse (BodyNode *_bodyNode)
 Update bias impulses.
void updateBiasImpulse (BodyNode *_bodyNode, const Eigen::Vector6d &_imp)
 Update bias impulses due to impulse [_imp] on body node [_bodyNode].
void updateBiasImpulse (BodyNode *_bodyNode1, const Eigen::Vector6d &_imp1, BodyNode *_bodyNode2, const Eigen::Vector6d &_imp2)
 Update bias impulses due to impulse [_imp] on body node [_bodyNode].
void updateBiasImpulse (SoftBodyNode *_softBodyNode, PointMass *_pointMass, const Eigen::Vector3d &_imp)
 Update bias impulses due to impulse[_imp] on body node [_bodyNode].
void updateVelocityChange ()
 Update velocity changes in body nodes and joints due to applied impulse.
void setImpulseApplied (bool _val)
 Set whether this skeleton is constrained.
bool isImpulseApplied () const
 Get whether this skeleton is constrained.
void computeImpulseForwardDynamics ()
 Compute impulse-based forward dynamics.
void resetUnion ()
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const JacobianNode *_relativeTo, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const JacobianNode *_relativeTo, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.
virtual math::LinearJacobian getLinearJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const=0
 Get the linear Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
virtual math::LinearJacobian getLinearJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const=0
 Get the linear Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::LinearJacobian getLinearJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const JacobianNode *_relativeTo, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const
 Get the linear Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.
math::LinearJacobian getLinearJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const JacobianNode *_relativeTo, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const
 Get the linear Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.
virtual math::AngularJacobian getAngularJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const=0
 Get the angular Jacobian of a BodyNode.
math::AngularJacobian getAngularJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const JacobianNode *_relativeTo, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const
 Get the angular Jacobian of a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobianSpatialDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobianSpatialDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobianSpatialDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobianSpatialDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobianSpatialDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const JacobianNode *_relativeTo, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const
 Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.
math::Jacobian getJacobianSpatialDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const JacobianNode *_relativeTo, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const
 Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode relative to another Bodynode in the same Skeleton.
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobianClassicDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobianClassicDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting the origin a BodyNode.
virtual math::Jacobian getJacobianClassicDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const=0
 Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
virtual math::LinearJacobian getLinearJacobianDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const=0
 of a BodyNode.
virtual math::LinearJacobian getLinearJacobianDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const=0
 Get the linear Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
virtual math::AngularJacobian getAngularJacobianDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const=0
 Get the angular Jacobian time derivative of a BodyNode.
virtual std::size_t incrementVersion ()
 Increment the version for this object.
virtual std::size_t getVersion () const
 Get the version number of this object.
MetaSkeletonPtr cloneMetaSkeleton () const
 Creates an identical clone of this MetaSkeleton.
const AspectPropertiesgetAspectProperties () const
void setConfiguration (const Configuration &configuration)
 Set the configuration of this Skeleton.
Configuration getConfiguration (int flags=CONFIG_ALL) const
 Get the configuration of this Skeleton.
Configuration getConfiguration (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices, int flags=CONFIG_ALL) const
 Get the configuration of the specified indices in this Skeleton.
void setState (const State &state)
 Set the State of this Skeleton [alias for setCompositeState(~)].
State getState () const
 Get the State of this Skeleton [alias for getCompositeState()].
void setProperties (const Properties &properties)
 Set all properties of this Skeleton.
Properties getProperties () const
 Get all properties of this Skeleton.
void setProperties (const AspectProperties &properties)
 Set the Properties of this Skeleton.
const AspectPropertiesgetSkeletonProperties () const
 Get the Properties of this Skeleton.
void setAspectProperties (const AspectProperties &properties)
 Set the AspectProperties of this Skeleton.
const std::string & setName (const std::string &_name) override
 Set name.
const std::string & getName () const override
 Get name.
void enableSelfCollision (bool enableAdjacentBodyCheck=false)
void disableSelfCollision ()
 Deprecated. Please use disableSelfCollisionCheck() instead.
void setSelfCollisionCheck (bool enable)
 Set whether to check self-collision.
bool getSelfCollisionCheck () const
 Return whether self-collision check is enabled.
void enableSelfCollisionCheck ()
 Enable self-collision check.
void disableSelfCollisionCheck ()
 Disable self-collision check.
bool isEnabledSelfCollisionCheck () const
 Return true if self-collision check is enabled.
void setAdjacentBodyCheck (bool enable)
 Set whether to check adjacent bodies.
bool getAdjacentBodyCheck () const
 Return whether adjacent body check is enabled.
void enableAdjacentBodyCheck ()
 Enable collision check for adjacent bodies.
void disableAdjacentBodyCheck ()
 Disable collision check for adjacent bodies.
bool isEnabledAdjacentBodyCheck () const
 Return true if self-collision check is enabled including adjacent bodies.
void setMobile (bool _isMobile)
 Set whether this skeleton will be updated by forward dynamics.
bool isMobile () const
 Get whether this skeleton will be updated by forward dynamics.
void setTimeStep (double _timeStep)
 Set time step.
double getTimeStep () const
 Get time step.
void setGravity (const Eigen::Vector3d &_gravity)
 Set 3-dim gravitational acceleration.
const Eigen::Vector3d & getGravity () const
 Get 3-dim gravitational acceleration.
Structural Properties
template<class JointType , class NodeType = BodyNode>
std::pair< JointType *, NodeType * > createJointAndBodyNodePair (BodyNode *_parent=nullptr, const typename JointType::Properties &_jointProperties=typename JointType::Properties(), const typename NodeType::Properties &_bodyProperties=typename NodeType::Properties())
 Create a Joint and child BodyNode pair of the given types.
std::size_t getNumBodyNodes () const override
 Get number of body nodes.
std::size_t getNumRigidBodyNodes () const
 Get number of rigid body nodes.
std::size_t getNumSoftBodyNodes () const
 Get number of soft body nodes.
std::size_t getNumTrees () const
 Get the number of independent trees that this Skeleton contains.
BodyNodegetRootBodyNode (std::size_t _treeIdx=0)
 Get the root BodyNode of the tree whose index in this Skeleton is _treeIdx.
const BodyNodegetRootBodyNode (std::size_t _treeIdx=0) const
 Get the const root BodyNode of the tree whose index in this Skeleton is _treeIdx.
JointgetRootJoint (std::size_t treeIdx=0u)
 Get the root Joint of the tree whose index in this Skeleton is treeIdx.
const JointgetRootJoint (std::size_t treeIdx=0u) const
 Get the const root Joint of the tree whose index in this Skeleton is treeIdx.
BodyNodegetBodyNode (std::size_t _idx) override
 Get BodyNode whose index is _idx.
const BodyNodegetBodyNode (std::size_t _idx) const override
 Get const BodyNode whose index is _idx.
SoftBodyNodegetSoftBodyNode (std::size_t _idx)
 Get SoftBodyNode whose index is _idx.
const SoftBodyNodegetSoftBodyNode (std::size_t _idx) const
 Get const SoftBodyNode whose index is _idx.
BodyNodegetBodyNode (const std::string &name) override
 Returns the BodyNode of given name.
const BodyNodegetBodyNode (const std::string &name) const override
 Returns the BodyNode of given name.
SoftBodyNodegetSoftBodyNode (const std::string &_name)
 Get soft body node whose name is _name.
const SoftBodyNodegetSoftBodyNode (const std::string &_name) const
 Get const soft body node whose name is _name.
const std::vector< BodyNode * > & getBodyNodes () override
 Get all the BodyNodes that are held by this MetaSkeleton.
const std::vector< const BodyNode * > & getBodyNodes () const override
 Get all the BodyNodes that are held by this MetaSkeleton.
std::vector< BodyNode * > getBodyNodes (const std::string &name) override
 Returns all the BodyNodes of given name.
std::vector< const BodyNode * > getBodyNodes (const std::string &name) const override
 Returns all the BodyNodes of given name.
bool hasBodyNode (const BodyNode *bodyNode) const override
 Returns whether this Skeleton contains bodyNode.
std::size_t getIndexOf (const BodyNode *_bn, bool _warning=true) const override
 Get the index of a specific BodyNode within this ReferentialSkeleton.
const std::vector< BodyNode * > & getTreeBodyNodes (std::size_t _treeIdx)
 Get the BodyNodes belonging to a tree in this Skeleton.
std::vector< const BodyNode * > getTreeBodyNodes (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the BodyNodes belonging to a tree in this Skeleton.
std::size_t getNumJoints () const override
 Get number of Joints.
JointgetJoint (std::size_t _idx) override
 Get Joint whose index is _idx.
const JointgetJoint (std::size_t _idx) const override
 Get const Joint whose index is _idx.
JointgetJoint (const std::string &name) override
 Returns the Joint of given name.
const JointgetJoint (const std::string &name) const override
 Returns the joint of given name.
std::vector< Joint * > getJoints () override
 Returns all the joints that are held by this MetaSkeleton.
std::vector< const Joint * > getJoints () const override
 Returns all the joints that are held by this MetaSkeleton.
std::vector< Joint * > getJoints (const std::string &name) override
 Returns all the Joint of given name.
std::vector< const Joint * > getJoints (const std::string &name) const override
 Returns all the Joint of given name.
bool hasJoint (const Joint *joint) const override
 Returns whether this Skeleton contains join.
std::size_t getIndexOf (const Joint *_joint, bool _warning=true) const override
 Get the index of a specific Joint within this ReferentialSkeleton.
std::size_t getNumDofs () const override
 Return the number of degrees of freedom in this skeleton.
DegreeOfFreedomgetDof (std::size_t _idx) override
 Get degree of freedom (aka generalized coordinate) whose index is _idx.
const DegreeOfFreedomgetDof (std::size_t _idx) const override
 Get degree of freedom (aka generalized coordinate) whose index is _idx.
DegreeOfFreedomgetDof (const std::string &_name)
 Get degree of freedom (aka generalized coordinate) whose name is _name.
const DegreeOfFreedomgetDof (const std::string &_name) const
 Get degree of freedom (aka generalized coordinate) whose name is _name.
const std::vector< DegreeOfFreedom * > & getDofs () override
 Get the vector of DegreesOfFreedom for this MetaSkeleton.
std::vector< const DegreeOfFreedom * > getDofs () const override
 Get a vector of const DegreesOfFreedom for this MetaSkeleton.
std::size_t getIndexOf (const DegreeOfFreedom *_dof, bool _warning=true) const override
 Get the index of a specific DegreeOfFreedom within this ReferentialSkeleton.
const std::vector< DegreeOfFreedom * > & getTreeDofs (std::size_t _treeIdx)
 Get the DegreesOfFreedom belonging to a tree in this Skeleton.
const std::vector< const DegreeOfFreedom * > & getTreeDofs (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the DegreesOfFreedom belonging to a tree in this Skeleton.
bool checkIndexingConsistency () const
 This function is only meant for debugging purposes.
const std::shared_ptr< WholeBodyIK > & getIK (bool _createIfNull=false)
 Get a pointer to a WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton.
const std::shared_ptr< WholeBodyIK > & getOrCreateIK ()
 Get a pointer to a WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton.
std::shared_ptr< const WholeBodyIKgetIK () const
 Get a pointer to a WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton.
const std::shared_ptr< WholeBodyIK > & createIK ()
 Create a new WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton.
void clearIK ()
 Wipe away the WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton, leaving it as a nullptr.
std::size_t getNumMarkers () const
MarkergetMarker (std::size_t index)
const MarkergetMarker (std::size_t index) const
std::size_t getNumMarkers (std::size_t treeIndex) const
MarkergetMarker (std::size_t treeIndex, std::size_t nodeIndex)
const MarkergetMarker (std::size_t treeIndex, std::size_t nodeIndex) const
MarkergetMarker (const std::string &name)
const MarkergetMarker (const std::string &name) const
std::size_t getNumShapeNodes () const
ShapeNodegetShapeNode (std::size_t index)
const ShapeNodegetShapeNode (std::size_t index) const
std::size_t getNumShapeNodes (std::size_t treeIndex) const
ShapeNodegetShapeNode (std::size_t treeIndex, std::size_t nodeIndex)
const ShapeNodegetShapeNode (std::size_t treeIndex, std::size_t nodeIndex) const
ShapeNodegetShapeNode (const std::string &name)
const ShapeNodegetShapeNode (const std::string &name) const
std::size_t getNumEndEffectors () const
EndEffectorgetEndEffector (std::size_t index)
const EndEffectorgetEndEffector (std::size_t index) const
std::size_t getNumEndEffectors (std::size_t treeIndex) const
EndEffectorgetEndEffector (std::size_t treeIndex, std::size_t nodeIndex)
const EndEffectorgetEndEffector (std::size_t treeIndex, std::size_t nodeIndex) const
EndEffectorgetEndEffector (const std::string &name)
const EndEffectorgetEndEffector (const std::string &name) const
Support Polygon
const math::SupportPolygongetSupportPolygon () const
 Get the support polygon of this Skeleton, which is computed based on the gravitational projection of the support geometries of all EndEffectors in this Skeleton that are currently in support mode.
const math::SupportPolygongetSupportPolygon (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Same as getSupportPolygon(), but it will only use EndEffectors within the specified tree within this Skeleton.
const std::vector< std::size_t > & getSupportIndices () const
 Get a list of the EndEffector indices that correspond to each of the points in the support polygon.
const std::vector< std::size_t > & getSupportIndices (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Same as getSupportIndices(), but it corresponds to the support polygon of the specified tree within this Skeleton.
const std::pair< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::Vector3d > & getSupportAxes () const
 Get the axes that correspond to each component in the support polygon.
const std::pair< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::Vector3d > & getSupportAxes (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Same as getSupportAxes(), but it corresponds to the support polygon of the specified tree within this Skeleton.
const Eigen::Vector2d & getSupportCentroid () const
 Get the centroid of the support polygon for this Skeleton.
const Eigen::Vector2d & getSupportCentroid (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the centroid of the support polygon for a tree in this Skeleton.
std::size_t getSupportVersion () const
 The version number of a support polygon will be incremented each time the support polygon needs to be recomputed.
std::size_t getSupportVersion (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Same as getSupportVersion(), but it corresponds to the support polygon of the specified tree within this Skeleton.
math::Jacobian getJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getWorldJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getWorldJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::LinearJacobian getLinearJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the linear Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
math::LinearJacobian getLinearJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the linear Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::AngularJacobian getAngularJacobian (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the angular Jacobian of a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobianSpatialDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobianSpatialDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobianSpatialDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobianSpatialDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobianClassicDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobianClassicDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting the origin a BodyNode.
math::Jacobian getJacobianClassicDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::LinearJacobian getLinearJacobianDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 of a BodyNode.
math::LinearJacobian getLinearJacobianDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &_localOffset, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the linear Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.
math::AngularJacobian getAngularJacobianDeriv (const JacobianNode *_node, const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the angular Jacobian time derivative of a BodyNode.
Equations of Motion
double getMass () const override
 Get total mass of the skeleton.
const Eigen::MatrixXd & getMassMatrix (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the mass matrix of a specific tree in the Skeleton.
const Eigen::MatrixXd & getMassMatrix () const override
 Get the Mass Matrix of the MetaSkeleton.
const Eigen::MatrixXd & getAugMassMatrix (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the augmented mass matrix of a specific tree in the Skeleton.
const Eigen::MatrixXd & getAugMassMatrix () const override
 Get augmented mass matrix of the skeleton.
const Eigen::MatrixXd & getInvMassMatrix (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the inverse mass matrix of a specific tree in the Skeleton.
const Eigen::MatrixXd & getInvMassMatrix () const override
 Get inverse of Mass Matrix of the MetaSkeleton.
const Eigen::MatrixXd & getInvAugMassMatrix (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the inverse augmented mass matrix of a tree.
const Eigen::MatrixXd & getInvAugMassMatrix () const override
 Get inverse of augmented Mass Matrix of the MetaSkeleton.
const Eigen::VectorXd & getCoriolisForces (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the Coriolis force vector of a tree in this Skeleton.
const Eigen::VectorXd & getCoriolisForces () const override
 Get Coriolis force vector of the MetaSkeleton's BodyNodes.
const Eigen::VectorXd & getGravityForces (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the gravity forces for a tree in this Skeleton.
const Eigen::VectorXd & getGravityForces () const override
 Get gravity force vector of the MetaSkeleton.
const Eigen::VectorXd & getCoriolisAndGravityForces (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the combined vector of Coriolis force and gravity force of a tree.
const Eigen::VectorXd & getCoriolisAndGravityForces () const override
 Get combined vector of Coriolis force and gravity force of the MetaSkeleton.
const Eigen::VectorXd & getExternalForces (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get the external force vector of a tree in the Skeleton.
const Eigen::VectorXd & getExternalForces () const override
 Get external force vector of the MetaSkeleton.
const Eigen::VectorXd & getConstraintForces (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Get damping force of the skeleton.
const Eigen::VectorXd & getConstraintForces () const override
 Get constraint force vector.
void clearExternalForces () override
 Clear the external forces of the BodyNodes in this MetaSkeleton.
void clearInternalForces () override
 Clear the internal forces of the BodyNodes in this MetaSkeleton.
void notifyArticulatedInertiaUpdate (std::size_t _treeIdx)
 Notify that the articulated inertia and everything that depends on it needs to be updated.
void dirtyArticulatedInertia (std::size_t _treeIdx)
 Notify that the articulated inertia and everything that depends on it needs to be updated.
void notifySupportUpdate (std::size_t _treeIdx)
 Notify that the support polygon of a tree needs to be updated.
void dirtySupportPolygon (std::size_t _treeIdx)
 Notify that the support polygon of a tree needs to be updated.
double computeKineticEnergy () const override
 Get the kinetic energy of this MetaSkeleton.
double computePotentialEnergy () const override
 Get the potential energy of this MetaSkeleton.
void clearCollidingBodies () override
 Clear collision flags of the BodyNodes in this MetaSkeleton.
Center of Mass Jacobian
Eigen::Vector3d getCOM (const Frame *_withRespectTo=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the Skeleton's COM with respect to any Frame (default is World Frame)
Eigen::Vector6d getCOMSpatialVelocity (const Frame *_relativeTo=Frame::World(), const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the Skeleton's COM spatial velocity in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)
Eigen::Vector3d getCOMLinearVelocity (const Frame *_relativeTo=Frame::World(), const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the Skeleton's COM linear velocity in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)
Eigen::Vector6d getCOMSpatialAcceleration (const Frame *_relativeTo=Frame::World(), const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the Skeleton's COM spatial acceleration in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)
Eigen::Vector3d getCOMLinearAcceleration (const Frame *_relativeTo=Frame::World(), const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the Skeleton's COM linear acceleration in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)
math::Jacobian getCOMJacobian (const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the Skeleton's COM Jacobian in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)
math::LinearJacobian getCOMLinearJacobian (const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the Skeleton's COM Linear Jacobian in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)
math::Jacobian getCOMJacobianSpatialDeriv (const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the Skeleton's COM Jacobian spatial time derivative in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame).
math::LinearJacobian getCOMLinearJacobianDeriv (const Frame *_inCoordinatesOf=Frame::World()) const override
 Get the Skeleton's COM Linear Jacobian time derivative in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame).
void setCommand (std::size_t _index, double _command)
 Set a single command.
double getCommand (std::size_t _index) const
 Get a single command.
void setCommands (const Eigen::VectorXd &_commands)
 Set commands for all generalized coordinates.
void setCommands (const std::vector< std::size_t > &_indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &_commands)
 Set commands for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getCommands () const
 Get commands for all generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getCommands (const std::vector< std::size_t > &_indices) const
 Get commands for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
void resetCommands ()
 Set all commands to zero.
void setPosition (std::size_t index, double _position)
 Set the position of a single generalized coordinate.
double getPosition (std::size_t _index) const
 Get the position of a single generalized coordinate.
void setPositions (const Eigen::VectorXd &_positions)
 Set the positions for all generalized coordinates.
void setPositions (const std::vector< std::size_t > &_indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &_positions)
 Set the positions for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getPositions () const
 Get the positions for all generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getPositions (const std::vector< std::size_t > &_indices) const
 Get the positions for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
void resetPositions ()
 Set all positions to zero.
void setPositionLowerLimit (std::size_t _index, double _position)
 Set the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's position.
void setPositionLowerLimits (const Eigen::VectorXd &positions)
 Set the lower limits for all generalized coordinates.
void setPositionLowerLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &positions)
 Set the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
double getPositionLowerLimit (std::size_t _index) const
 Get the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's position.
Eigen::VectorXd getPositionLowerLimits () const
 Get the lower limits for all generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getPositionLowerLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices) const
 Get the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
void setPositionUpperLimit (std::size_t _index, double _position)
 Set the upper limit of a generalized coordainte's position.
void setPositionUpperLimits (const Eigen::VectorXd &positions)
 Set the upper limits for all generalized coordinates.
void setPositionUpperLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &positions)
 Set the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
double getPositionUpperLimit (std::size_t _index) const
 Get the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's position.
Eigen::VectorXd getPositionUpperLimits () const
 Get the upper limits for all generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getPositionUpperLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices) const
 Get the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
void setVelocity (std::size_t _index, double _velocity)
 Set the velocity of a single generalized coordinate.
double getVelocity (std::size_t _index) const
 Get the velocity of a single generalized coordinate.
void setVelocities (const Eigen::VectorXd &_velocities)
 Set the velocities of all generalized coordinates.
void setVelocities (const std::vector< std::size_t > &_indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &_velocities)
 Set the velocities of a subset of the generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getVelocities () const
 Get the velocities for all generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getVelocities (const std::vector< std::size_t > &_indices) const
 Get the velocities for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
void resetVelocities ()
 Set all velocities to zero.
void setVelocityLowerLimit (std::size_t _index, double _velocity)
 Set the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's velocity.
void setVelocityLowerLimits (const Eigen::VectorXd &velocities)
 Set the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's velocity.
void setVelocityLowerLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &velocities)
 Set the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's velocity.
double getVelocityLowerLimit (std::size_t _index)
 Get the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's velocity.
Eigen::VectorXd getVelocityLowerLimits () const
 Get the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's velocity.
Eigen::VectorXd getVelocityLowerLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices) const
 Get the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's velocity.
void setVelocityUpperLimit (std::size_t _index, double _velocity)
 Set the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's velocity.
void setVelocityUpperLimits (const Eigen::VectorXd &velocities)
 Set the upper limits for all generalized coordinates's velocity.
void setVelocityUpperLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &velocities)
 Set the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's velocity.
double getVelocityUpperLimit (std::size_t _index)
 Get the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's velocity.
Eigen::VectorXd getVelocityUpperLimits () const
 Get the upper limits for all generalized coordinates's velocity.
Eigen::VectorXd getVelocityUpperLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices) const
 Get the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's velocity.
void setAcceleration (std::size_t _index, double _acceleration)
 Set the acceleration of a single generalized coordinate.
double getAcceleration (std::size_t _index) const
 Get the acceleration of a single generalized coordinate.
void setAccelerations (const Eigen::VectorXd &_accelerations)
 Set the accelerations of all generalized coordinates.
void setAccelerations (const std::vector< std::size_t > &_indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &_accelerations)
 Set the accelerations of a subset of the generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getAccelerations () const
 Get the accelerations for all generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getAccelerations (const std::vector< std::size_t > &_indices) const
 Get the accelerations for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
void resetAccelerations ()
 Set all accelerations to zero.
void setAccelerationLowerLimit (std::size_t _index, double _acceleration)
 Set the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's acceleration.
void setAccelerationLowerLimits (const Eigen::VectorXd &accelerations)
 Set the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's acceleration.
void setAccelerationLowerLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &accelerations)
 Set the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's acceleration.
double getAccelerationLowerLimit (std::size_t _index) const
 Get the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's acceleration.
Eigen::VectorXd getAccelerationLowerLimits () const
 Get the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's acceleration.
Eigen::VectorXd getAccelerationLowerLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices) const
 Get the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's acceleration.
void setAccelerationUpperLimit (std::size_t _index, double _acceleration)
 Set the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's acceleration.
void setAccelerationUpperLimits (const Eigen::VectorXd &accelerations)
 Set the upper limits for all generalized coordinates's acceleration.
void setAccelerationUpperLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &accelerations)
 Set the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's acceleration.
double getAccelerationUpperLimit (std::size_t _index) const
 Get the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's acceleration.
Eigen::VectorXd getAccelerationUpperLimits () const
 Get the upper limits for all generalized coordinates's acceleration.
Eigen::VectorXd getAccelerationUpperLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices) const
 Get the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's acceleration.
void setForce (std::size_t _index, double _force)
 Set the force of a single generalized coordinate.
double getForce (std::size_t _index) const
 Get the force of a single generalized coordinate.
void setForces (const Eigen::VectorXd &_forces)
 Set the forces of all generalized coordinates.
void setForces (const std::vector< std::size_t > &_index, const Eigen::VectorXd &_forces)
 Set the forces of a subset of the generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getForces () const
 Get the forces for all generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getForces (const std::vector< std::size_t > &_indices) const
 Get the forces for a subset of the generalized coordinates.
void resetGeneralizedForces ()
 Set all forces of the generalized coordinates to zero.
void setForceLowerLimit (std::size_t _index, double _force)
 Set the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's force.
void setForceLowerLimits (const Eigen::VectorXd &forces)
 Set the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's force.
void setForceLowerLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &forces)
 Set the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's force.
double getForceLowerLimit (std::size_t _index) const
 Get the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's force.
Eigen::VectorXd getForceLowerLimits () const
 Get the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's force.
Eigen::VectorXd getForceLowerLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices) const
 Get the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's force.
void setForceUpperLimit (std::size_t _index, double _force)
 Set the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's force.
void setForceUpperLimits (const Eigen::VectorXd &forces)
 Set the upperlimits for all generalized coordinates's force.
void setForceUpperLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices, const Eigen::VectorXd &forces)
 Set the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's force.
double getForceUpperLimit (std::size_t _index) const
 Get the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's force.
Eigen::VectorXd getForceUpperLimits () const
 Get the upper limits for all generalized coordinates's force.
Eigen::VectorXd getForceUpperLimits (const std::vector< std::size_t > &indices) const
 Get the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's force.
Velocity Change
Eigen::VectorXd getVelocityChanges () const
 Get the velocity changes for all the generalized coordinates.
Constraint Impulse
void setJointConstraintImpulses (const Eigen::VectorXd &_impulses)
 Set the constraint impulses for the generalized coordinates.
Eigen::VectorXd getJointConstraintImpulses () const
 Get the constraint impulses for the generalized coordinates.
Equations of Motion
double computeLagrangian () const
 Compute and return Lagrangian of this MetaSkeleton.
double getKineticEnergy () const
 Get the kinetic energy of this MetaSkeleton.
double getPotentialEnergy () const
 Get the potential energy of this MetaSkeleton.

Public Attributes

std::weak_ptr< SkeletonmUnionRootSkeleton
std::size_t mUnionSize
std::size_t mUnionIndex
common::SlotRegister< NameChangedSignalonNameChanged

Protected Types

using SpecializedTreeNodes = std::map< std::type_index, std::vector< NodeMap::iterator > * >

Protected Member Functions

 Skeleton (const AspectPropertiesData &_properties)
 Constructor called by create()
void setPtr (const SkeletonPtr &_ptr)
 Setup this Skeleton with its shared_ptr.
void constructNewTree ()
 Construct a new tree in the Skeleton.
void registerBodyNode (BodyNode *_newBodyNode)
 Register a BodyNode with the Skeleton. Internal use only.
void registerJoint (Joint *_newJoint)
 Register a Joint with the Skeleton. Internal use only.
void registerNode (NodeMap &nodeMap, Node *_newNode, std::size_t &_index)
 Register a Node with the Skeleton. Internal use only.
void registerNode (Node *_newNode)
 Register a Node with the Skeleton. Internal use only.
void destructOldTree (std::size_t tree)
 Remove an old tree from the Skeleton.
void unregisterBodyNode (BodyNode *_oldBodyNode)
 Remove a BodyNode from the Skeleton. Internal use only.
void unregisterJoint (Joint *_oldJoint)
 Remove a Joint from the Skeleton. Internal use only.
void unregisterNode (NodeMap &nodeMap, Node *_oldNode, std::size_t &_index)
 Remove a Node from the Skeleton. Internal use only.
void unregisterNode (Node *_oldNode)
 Remove a Node from the Skeleton. Internal use only.
bool moveBodyNodeTree (Joint *_parentJoint, BodyNode *_bodyNode, SkeletonPtr _newSkeleton, BodyNode *_parentNode)
 Move a subtree of BodyNodes from this Skeleton to another Skeleton.
template<class JointType >
JointType * moveBodyNodeTree (BodyNode *_bodyNode, const SkeletonPtr &_newSkeleton, BodyNode *_parentNode, const typename JointType::Properties &_joint)
 Move a subtree of BodyNodes from this Skeleton to another Skeleton while changing the Joint type of the top parent Joint.
std::pair< Joint *, BodyNode * > cloneBodyNodeTree (Joint *_parentJoint, const BodyNode *_bodyNode, const SkeletonPtr &_newSkeleton, BodyNode *_parentNode, bool _recursive) const
 Copy a subtree of BodyNodes onto another Skeleton while leaving the originals intact.
template<class JointType >
std::pair< JointType *, BodyNode * > cloneBodyNodeTree (const BodyNode *_bodyNode, const SkeletonPtr &_newSkeleton, BodyNode *_parentNode, const typename JointType::Properties &_joint, bool _recursive) const
 Copy a subtree of BodyNodes onto another Skeleton while leaving the originals intact, but alter the top parent Joint to a new type.
std::vector< const BodyNode * > constructBodyNodeTree (const BodyNode *_bodyNode) const
 Create a vector representation of a subtree of BodyNodes.
std::vector< BodyNode * > constructBodyNodeTree (BodyNode *_bodyNode)
std::vector< BodyNode * > extractBodyNodeTree (BodyNode *_bodyNode)
 Create a vector representation of a subtree of BodyNodes and remove that subtree from this Skeleton without deleting them.
void receiveBodyNodeTree (const std::vector< BodyNode * > &_tree)
 Take in and register a subtree of BodyNodes.
void updateTotalMass ()
 Update the computation for total mass.
void updateCacheDimensions (DataCache &_cache)
 Update the dimensions for a specific cache.
void updateCacheDimensions (std::size_t _treeIdx)
 Update the dimensions for a tree's cache.
void updateArticulatedInertia (std::size_t _tree) const
 Update the articulated inertia of a tree.
void updateArticulatedInertia () const
 Update the articulated inertias of the skeleton.
void updateMassMatrix (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Update the mass matrix of a tree.
void updateMassMatrix () const
 Update mass matrix of the skeleton.
void updateAugMassMatrix (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
void updateAugMassMatrix () const
 Update augmented mass matrix of the skeleton.
void updateInvMassMatrix (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Update the inverse mass matrix of a tree.
void updateInvMassMatrix () const
 Update inverse of mass matrix of the skeleton.
void updateInvAugMassMatrix (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Update the inverse augmented mass matrix of a tree.
void updateInvAugMassMatrix () const
 Update inverse of augmented mass matrix of the skeleton.
void updateCoriolisForces (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Update Coriolis force vector for a tree in the Skeleton.
void updateCoriolisForces () const
 Update Coriolis force vector of the skeleton.
void updateGravityForces (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Update the gravity force vector of a tree.
void updateGravityForces () const
 Update gravity force vector of the skeleton.
void updateCoriolisAndGravityForces (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Update the combined vector for a tree in this Skeleton.
void updateCoriolisAndGravityForces () const
 Update combined vector of the skeleton.
void updateExternalForces (std::size_t _treeIdx) const
 Update external force vector to generalized forces for a tree.
void updateExternalForces () const
 update external force vector to generalized forces.
const Eigen::VectorXd & computeConstraintForces (DataCache &cache) const
 Compute the constraint force vector for a tree.
const std::string & addEntryToBodyNodeNameMgr (BodyNode *_newNode)
 Add a BodyNode to the BodyNode NameManager.
const std::string & addEntryToJointNameMgr (Joint *_newJoint, bool _updateDofNames=true)
 Add a Joint to to the Joint NameManager.
void addEntryToSoftBodyNodeNameMgr (SoftBodyNode *_newNode)
 Add a SoftBodyNode to the SoftBodyNode NameManager.
void setVersionDependentObject (VersionCounter *dependent)
void sendDestructionNotification () const
 Send a destruction notification to all Observers.
void addObserver (Observer *_observer) const
 Add an Observer to the list of Observers.
void removeObserver (Observer *_observer) const
 Remove an Observer from the list of Observers.

Protected Attributes

std::weak_ptr< SkeletonmPtr
 The resource-managing pointer to this Skeleton.
std::vector< SoftBodyNode * > mSoftBodyNodes
 List of Soft body node list in the skeleton.
dart::common::NameManager< BodyNode * > mNameMgrForBodyNodes
 NameManager for tracking BodyNodes.
dart::common::NameManager< Joint * > mNameMgrForJoints
 NameManager for tracking Joints.
dart::common::NameManager< DegreeOfFreedom * > mNameMgrForDofs
 NameManager for tracking DegreesOfFreedom.
dart::common::NameManager< SoftBodyNode * > mNameMgrForSoftBodyNodes
 NameManager for tracking SoftBodyNodes.
std::shared_ptr< WholeBodyIKmWholeBodyIK
 WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton.
common::aligned_vector< DataCachemTreeCache
DataCache mSkelCache
SpecializedTreeNodes mSpecializedTreeNodes
double mTotalMass
 Total mass.
bool mIsImpulseApplied
 Flag for status of impulse testing.
std::mutex mMutex
std::size_t mVersion
NameChangedSignal mNameChangedSignal
std::set< Observer * > mObservers
 List of current Observers.
AspectProperties mAspectProperties
 Aspect::Properties data, directly accessible to your derived class.

Private Attributes



class BodyNode
class SoftBodyNode
class Joint
template<class >
class GenericJoint
class DegreeOfFreedom
class Node
class ShapeNode
class EndEffector

Constructor and Destructor

static SkeletonPtr create (const std::string &_name="Skeleton")
 Create a new Skeleton inside of a shared_ptr.
static SkeletonPtr create (const AspectPropertiesData &properties)
 Create a new Skeleton inside of a shared_ptr.
SkeletonPtr getPtr ()
 Get the shared_ptr that manages this Skeleton.
ConstSkeletonPtr getPtr () const
 Get the shared_ptr that manages this Skeleton.
SkeletonPtr getSkeleton ()
 Same as getPtr(), but this allows Skeleton to have a similar interface as BodyNode and Joint for template programming.
ConstSkeletonPtr getSkeleton () const
 Same as getPtr(), but this allows Skeleton to have a similar interface as BodyNode and Joint for template programming.
std::mutex & getMutex () const
 Get the mutex that protects the state of this Skeleton.
std::unique_ptr< common::LockableReferencegetLockableReference () const override
 Get the mutex that protects the state of this Skeleton.
 Skeleton (const Skeleton &)=delete
virtual ~Skeleton ()
Skeletonoperator= (const Skeleton &_other)=delete
 Remove copy operator.
SkeletonPtr clone () const
 Create an identical clone of this Skeleton.
SkeletonPtr clone (const std::string &cloneName) const
 Create an identical clone of this Skeleton, except that it has a new name.
SkeletonPtr cloneSkeleton () const
 Creates and returns a clone of this Skeleton.
SkeletonPtr cloneSkeleton (const std::string &cloneName) const
 Creates and returns a clone of this Skeleton.
MetaSkeletonPtr cloneMetaSkeleton (const std::string &cloneName) const override
 Creates an identical clone of this MetaSkeleton.

Detailed Description

class Skeleton

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Aspect

template<class DerivedT , typename PropertiesDataT , typename... CompositeBases>
using dart::common::EmbedPropertiesOnTopOf< DerivedT, PropertiesDataT, CompositeBases >::Aspect = typename Impl::Aspect

◆ AspectProperties

◆ AspectPropertiesData

◆ Base

template<class DerivedT , typename PropertiesDataT , typename... CompositeBases>
using dart::common::EmbedPropertiesOnTopOf< DerivedT, PropertiesDataT, CompositeBases >::Base = CompositeJoiner<Impl, CompositeBases...>

◆ Derived

template<class DerivedT , typename PropertiesDataT , typename... CompositeBases>
using dart::common::EmbedPropertiesOnTopOf< DerivedT, PropertiesDataT, CompositeBases >::Derived = typename Impl::Derived

◆ Impl

template<class DerivedT , typename PropertiesDataT , typename... CompositeBases>
using dart::common::EmbedPropertiesOnTopOf< DerivedT, PropertiesDataT, CompositeBases >::Impl = EmbedProperties<DerivedT, PropertiesDataT>

◆ NameChangedSignal

using dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::NameChangedSignal = common::Signal<void(std::shared_ptr<const MetaSkeleton> _skeleton, const std::string& _oldName, const std::string& _newName)>

◆ Properties

◆ SpecializedTreeNodes

using dart::dynamics::Skeleton::SpecializedTreeNodes = std::map<std::type_index, std::vector<NodeMap::iterator>*>

◆ State

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ConfigFlags


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Skeleton() [1/2]

dart::dynamics::Skeleton::Skeleton ( const Skeleton )

◆ ~Skeleton()

dart::dynamics::Skeleton::~Skeleton ( )


◆ Skeleton() [2/2]

dart::dynamics::Skeleton::Skeleton ( const AspectPropertiesData _properties)

Constructor called by create()

Member Function Documentation

◆ addEntryToBodyNodeNameMgr()

const std::string & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::addEntryToBodyNodeNameMgr ( BodyNode _newNode)

Add a BodyNode to the BodyNode NameManager.

◆ addEntryToJointNameMgr()

const std::string & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::addEntryToJointNameMgr ( Joint _newJoint,
bool  _updateDofNames = true 

Add a Joint to to the Joint NameManager.

◆ addEntryToSoftBodyNodeNameMgr()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::addEntryToSoftBodyNodeNameMgr ( SoftBodyNode _newNode)

Add a SoftBodyNode to the SoftBodyNode NameManager.

◆ addObserver()

void dart::common::Subject::addObserver ( Observer _observer) const

Add an Observer to the list of Observers.

◆ checkIndexingConsistency()

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::checkIndexingConsistency ( ) const

This function is only meant for debugging purposes.

It will verify that all objects held in the Skeleton have the correct information about their indexing.

◆ clearCollidingBodies()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::clearCollidingBodies ( )

Clear collision flags of the BodyNodes in this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ clearConstraintImpulses()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::clearConstraintImpulses ( )

Clear constraint impulses and cache data used for impulse-based forward dynamics algorithm, where the constraint impulses are spatial constraints on the BodyNodes and generalized constraints on the Joints.

◆ clearExternalForces()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::clearExternalForces ( )

Clear the external forces of the BodyNodes in this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ clearIK()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::clearIK ( )

Wipe away the WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton, leaving it as a nullptr.

◆ clearInternalForces()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::clearInternalForces ( )

Clear the internal forces of the BodyNodes in this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ clone() [1/2]

SkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::clone ( ) const

Create an identical clone of this Skeleton.

Deprecated in DART 6.7. Please use cloneSkeleton() instead.

◆ clone() [2/2]

SkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::clone ( const std::string &  cloneName) const

Create an identical clone of this Skeleton, except that it has a new name.

Deprecated in DART 6.7. Please use cloneSkeleton() instead.

◆ cloneBodyNodeTree() [1/2]

template<class JointType >
std::pair< JointType *, BodyNode * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::cloneBodyNodeTree ( const BodyNode _bodyNode,
const SkeletonPtr _newSkeleton,
BodyNode _parentNode,
const typename JointType::Properties &  _joint,
bool  _recursive 
) const

Copy a subtree of BodyNodes onto another Skeleton while leaving the originals intact, but alter the top parent Joint to a new type.

◆ cloneBodyNodeTree() [2/2]

std::pair< Joint *, BodyNode * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::cloneBodyNodeTree ( Joint _parentJoint,
const BodyNode _bodyNode,
const SkeletonPtr _newSkeleton,
BodyNode _parentNode,
bool  _recursive 
) const

Copy a subtree of BodyNodes onto another Skeleton while leaving the originals intact.

◆ cloneMetaSkeleton() [1/2]

MetaSkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::cloneMetaSkeleton ( ) const

Creates an identical clone of this MetaSkeleton.

◆ cloneMetaSkeleton() [2/2]

MetaSkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::cloneMetaSkeleton ( const std::string &  cloneName) const

Creates an identical clone of this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ cloneSkeleton() [1/2]

SkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::cloneSkeleton ( ) const

Creates and returns a clone of this Skeleton.

◆ cloneSkeleton() [2/2]

SkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::cloneSkeleton ( const std::string &  cloneName) const

Creates and returns a clone of this Skeleton.

◆ computeConstraintForces()

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::computeConstraintForces ( DataCache cache) const

Compute the constraint force vector for a tree.

◆ computeForwardDynamics()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::computeForwardDynamics ( )

Compute forward dynamics.

◆ computeForwardKinematics()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::computeForwardKinematics ( bool  _updateTransforms = true,
bool  _updateVels = true,
bool  _updateAccs = true 

Compute forward kinematics.

In general, this function doesn't need to be called for forward kinematics to update. Forward kinematics will always be computed when it's needed and will only perform the computations that are necessary for what the user requests. This works by performing some bookkeeping internally with dirty flags whenever a position, velocity, or acceleration is set, either internally or by the user.

On one hand, this results in some overhead due to the extra effort of bookkeeping, but on the other hand we have much greater code safety, and in some cases performance can be dramatically improved with the auto- updating. For example, this function is inefficient when only one portion of the BodyNodes needed to be updated rather than the entire Skeleton, which is common when performing inverse kinematics on a limb or on some subsection of a Skeleton.

This function might be useful in a case where the user wants to perform all the forward kinematics computations during a particular time window rather than waiting for it to be computed at the exact time that it's needed.

One example would be a real time controller. Let's say a controller gets encoder data at time t0 but needs to wait until t1 before it receives the force-torque sensor data that it needs in order to compute the output for an operational space controller. Instead of being idle from t0 to t1, it could use that time to compute the forward kinematics by calling this function.

◆ computeImpulseForwardDynamics()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::computeImpulseForwardDynamics ( )

Compute impulse-based forward dynamics.

◆ computeInverseDynamics()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::computeInverseDynamics ( bool  _withExternalForces = false,
bool  _withDampingForces = false,
bool  _withSpringForces = false 

Compute inverse dynamics.

◆ computeKineticEnergy()

double dart::dynamics::Skeleton::computeKineticEnergy ( ) const

Get the kinetic energy of this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ computeLagrangian()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::computeLagrangian ( ) const

Compute and return Lagrangian of this MetaSkeleton.

◆ computePotentialEnergy()

double dart::dynamics::Skeleton::computePotentialEnergy ( ) const

Get the potential energy of this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ constructBodyNodeTree() [1/2]

std::vector< BodyNode * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::constructBodyNodeTree ( BodyNode _bodyNode)

◆ constructBodyNodeTree() [2/2]

std::vector< const BodyNode * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::constructBodyNodeTree ( const BodyNode _bodyNode) const

Create a vector representation of a subtree of BodyNodes.

◆ constructNewTree()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::constructNewTree ( )

Construct a new tree in the Skeleton.

◆ create() [1/2]

SkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::create ( const AspectPropertiesData properties)

Create a new Skeleton inside of a shared_ptr.

◆ create() [2/2]

SkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::create ( const std::string &  _name = "Skeleton")

Create a new Skeleton inside of a shared_ptr.

◆ createIK()

const std::shared_ptr< WholeBodyIK > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::createIK ( )

Create a new WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton.

If an IK module already exists in this Skeleton, it will be destroyed and replaced by a brand new one.

◆ createJointAndBodyNodePair()

template<class JointType , class NodeType >
std::pair< JointType *, NodeType * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::createJointAndBodyNodePair ( BodyNode _parent = nullptr,
const typename JointType::Properties &  _jointProperties = typename JointType::Properties(),
const typename NodeType::Properties &  _bodyProperties = typename NodeType::Properties() 

Create a Joint and child BodyNode pair of the given types.

When creating a root (parentless) BodyNode, pass in nullptr for the _parent argument.

◆ destructOldTree()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::destructOldTree ( std::size_t  tree)

Remove an old tree from the Skeleton.

◆ dirtyArticulatedInertia()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::dirtyArticulatedInertia ( std::size_t  _treeIdx)

Notify that the articulated inertia and everything that depends on it needs to be updated.

◆ dirtySupportPolygon()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::dirtySupportPolygon ( std::size_t  _treeIdx)

Notify that the support polygon of a tree needs to be updated.

◆ disableAdjacentBodyCheck()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::disableAdjacentBodyCheck ( )

Disable collision check for adjacent bodies.

This option is effective only when the self-collision check is enabled.

◆ disableSelfCollision()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::disableSelfCollision ( )

Deprecated. Please use disableSelfCollisionCheck() instead.

◆ disableSelfCollisionCheck()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::disableSelfCollisionCheck ( )

Disable self-collision check.

◆ enableAdjacentBodyCheck()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::enableAdjacentBodyCheck ( )

Enable collision check for adjacent bodies.

This option is effective only when the self-collision check is enabled.

◆ enableSelfCollision()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::enableSelfCollision ( bool  enableAdjacentBodyCheck = false)


Please use enableSelfCollisionCheck() and setAdjacentBodyCheck() instead.

◆ enableSelfCollisionCheck()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::enableSelfCollisionCheck ( )

Enable self-collision check.

◆ extractBodyNodeTree()

std::vector< BodyNode * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::extractBodyNodeTree ( BodyNode _bodyNode)

Create a vector representation of a subtree of BodyNodes and remove that subtree from this Skeleton without deleting them.

◆ getAcceleration()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAcceleration ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get the acceleration of a single generalized coordinate.

◆ getAccelerationLowerLimit()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAccelerationLowerLimit ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's acceleration.

◆ getAccelerationLowerLimits() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAccelerationLowerLimits ( ) const

Get the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's acceleration.

◆ getAccelerationLowerLimits() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAccelerationLowerLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices) const

Get the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's acceleration.

◆ getAccelerations() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAccelerations ( ) const

Get the accelerations for all generalized coordinates.

◆ getAccelerations() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAccelerations ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  _indices) const

Get the accelerations for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ getAccelerationUpperLimit()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAccelerationUpperLimit ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's acceleration.

◆ getAccelerationUpperLimits() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAccelerationUpperLimits ( ) const

Get the upper limits for all generalized coordinates's acceleration.

◆ getAccelerationUpperLimits() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAccelerationUpperLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices) const

Get the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's acceleration.

◆ getAdjacentBodyCheck()

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getAdjacentBodyCheck ( ) const

Return whether adjacent body check is enabled.

◆ getAngularJacobian() [1/3]

math::AngularJacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getAngularJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the angular Jacobian of a BodyNode.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getAngularJacobian() [2/3]

virtual math::AngularJacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAngularJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the angular Jacobian of a BodyNode.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getAngularJacobian() [3/3]

math::AngularJacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAngularJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const JacobianNode _relativeTo,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the angular Jacobian of a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

◆ getAngularJacobianDeriv() [1/2]

math::AngularJacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getAngularJacobianDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the angular Jacobian time derivative of a BodyNode.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getAngularJacobianDeriv() [2/2]

virtual math::AngularJacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getAngularJacobianDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the angular Jacobian time derivative of a BodyNode.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getAspectProperties()

template<class DerivedT , typename PropertiesDataT , typename... CompositeBases>
const AspectProperties & dart::common::EmbedProperties< DerivedT, PropertiesDataT >::getAspectProperties ( ) const

◆ getAugMassMatrix() [1/2]

const Eigen::MatrixXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getAugMassMatrix ( ) const

Get augmented mass matrix of the skeleton.

This matrix is used in ConstraintDynamics to compute constraint forces. The matrix is M + h*D + h*h*K where D is diagonal joint damping coefficient matrix, K is diagonal joint stiffness matrix, and h is simulation time step.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getAugMassMatrix() [2/2]

const Eigen::MatrixXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getAugMassMatrix ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the augmented mass matrix of a specific tree in the Skeleton.

◆ getBodyNode() [1/4]

const BodyNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getBodyNode ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns the BodyNode of given name.

[in]nameThe BodyNode name that want to search.
The body node of given name.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getBodyNode() [2/4]

BodyNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getBodyNode ( const std::string &  name)

Returns the BodyNode of given name.

[in]nameThe BodyNode name that want to search.
The body node of given name.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getBodyNode() [3/4]

const BodyNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getBodyNode ( std::size_t  _idx) const

Get const BodyNode whose index is _idx.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getBodyNode() [4/4]

BodyNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getBodyNode ( std::size_t  _idx)

Get BodyNode whose index is _idx.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getBodyNodes() [1/4]

const std::vector< const BodyNode * > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getBodyNodes ( ) const

Get all the BodyNodes that are held by this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getBodyNodes() [2/4]

const std::vector< BodyNode * > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getBodyNodes ( )

Get all the BodyNodes that are held by this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getBodyNodes() [3/4]

std::vector< const BodyNode * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getBodyNodes ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns all the BodyNodes of given name.

[in]nameThe BodyNode name that want to search.
The list of BodyNodes of given name.
Skeleton always guarantees name uniqueness for BodyNodes and Joints. So this function returns the single BodyNode of the given name if it exists.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getBodyNodes() [4/4]

std::vector< BodyNode * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getBodyNodes ( const std::string &  name)

Returns all the BodyNodes of given name.

[in]nameThe BodyNode name that want to search.
The list of BodyNodes of given name.
Skeleton always guarantees name uniqueness for BodyNodes and Joints. So this function returns the single BodyNode of the given name if it exists.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCOM()

Eigen::Vector3d dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCOM ( const Frame _withRespectTo = Frame::World()) const

Get the Skeleton's COM with respect to any Frame (default is World Frame)

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCOMJacobian()

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCOMJacobian ( const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World()) const

Get the Skeleton's COM Jacobian in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCOMJacobianSpatialDeriv()

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCOMJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World()) const

Get the Skeleton's COM Jacobian spatial time derivative in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame).

NOTE: Since this is a spatial time derivative, it is only meant to be used with spatial acceleration vectors. If you are using classical linear vectors, then use getCOMLinearJacobianDeriv() instead.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCOMLinearAcceleration()

Eigen::Vector3d dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCOMLinearAcceleration ( const Frame _relativeTo = Frame::World(),
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the Skeleton's COM linear acceleration in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCOMLinearJacobian()

math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCOMLinearJacobian ( const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World()) const

Get the Skeleton's COM Linear Jacobian in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCOMLinearJacobianDeriv()

math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCOMLinearJacobianDeriv ( const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World()) const

Get the Skeleton's COM Linear Jacobian time derivative in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame).

NOTE: Since this is a classical time derivative, it is only meant to be used with classical acceleration vectors. If you are using spatial vectors, then use getCOMJacobianSpatialDeriv() instead.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCOMLinearVelocity()

Eigen::Vector3d dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCOMLinearVelocity ( const Frame _relativeTo = Frame::World(),
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the Skeleton's COM linear velocity in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCommand()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getCommand ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get a single command.

◆ getCommands() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getCommands ( ) const

Get commands for all generalized coordinates.

◆ getCommands() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getCommands ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  _indices) const

Get commands for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ getCOMSpatialAcceleration()

Eigen::Vector6d dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCOMSpatialAcceleration ( const Frame _relativeTo = Frame::World(),
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the Skeleton's COM spatial acceleration in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCOMSpatialVelocity()

Eigen::Vector6d dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCOMSpatialVelocity ( const Frame _relativeTo = Frame::World(),
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the Skeleton's COM spatial velocity in terms of any Frame (default is World Frame)

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getConfiguration() [1/2]

Skeleton::Configuration dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getConfiguration ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices,
int  flags = CONFIG_ALL 
) const

Get the configuration of the specified indices in this Skeleton.

◆ getConfiguration() [2/2]

Skeleton::Configuration dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getConfiguration ( int  flags = CONFIG_ALL) const

Get the configuration of this Skeleton.

◆ getConstraintForces() [1/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getConstraintForces ( ) const

Get constraint force vector.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getConstraintForces() [2/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getConstraintForces ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get damping force of the skeleton.

Get constraint force vector for a tree

◆ getCoriolisAndGravityForces() [1/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCoriolisAndGravityForces ( ) const

Get combined vector of Coriolis force and gravity force of the MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCoriolisAndGravityForces() [2/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCoriolisAndGravityForces ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the combined vector of Coriolis force and gravity force of a tree.

◆ getCoriolisForces() [1/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCoriolisForces ( ) const

Get Coriolis force vector of the MetaSkeleton's BodyNodes.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getCoriolisForces() [2/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getCoriolisForces ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the Coriolis force vector of a tree in this Skeleton.

◆ getDof() [1/4]

DegreeOfFreedom * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getDof ( const std::string &  _name)

Get degree of freedom (aka generalized coordinate) whose name is _name.

◆ getDof() [2/4]

const DegreeOfFreedom * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getDof ( const std::string &  _name) const

Get degree of freedom (aka generalized coordinate) whose name is _name.

◆ getDof() [3/4]

const DegreeOfFreedom * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getDof ( std::size_t  _idx) const

Get degree of freedom (aka generalized coordinate) whose index is _idx.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getDof() [4/4]

DegreeOfFreedom * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getDof ( std::size_t  _idx)

Get degree of freedom (aka generalized coordinate) whose index is _idx.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getDofs() [1/2]

std::vector< const DegreeOfFreedom * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getDofs ( ) const

Get a vector of const DegreesOfFreedom for this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getDofs() [2/2]

const std::vector< DegreeOfFreedom * > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getDofs ( )

Get the vector of DegreesOfFreedom for this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getEndEffector() [1/6]

EndEffector * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getEndEffector ( const std::string &  name)

◆ getEndEffector() [2/6]

const EndEffector * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getEndEffector ( const std::string &  name) const

◆ getEndEffector() [3/6]

EndEffector * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getEndEffector ( std::size_t  index)

◆ getEndEffector() [4/6]

const EndEffector * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getEndEffector ( std::size_t  index) const

◆ getEndEffector() [5/6]

EndEffector * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getEndEffector ( std::size_t  treeIndex,
std::size_t  nodeIndex 

◆ getEndEffector() [6/6]

const EndEffector * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getEndEffector ( std::size_t  treeIndex,
std::size_t  nodeIndex 
) const

◆ getExternalForces() [1/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getExternalForces ( ) const

Get external force vector of the MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getExternalForces() [2/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getExternalForces ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the external force vector of a tree in the Skeleton.

◆ getForce()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getForce ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get the force of a single generalized coordinate.

◆ getForceLowerLimit()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getForceLowerLimit ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's force.

◆ getForceLowerLimits() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getForceLowerLimits ( ) const

Get the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's force.

◆ getForceLowerLimits() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getForceLowerLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices) const

Get the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's force.

◆ getForces() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getForces ( ) const

Get the forces for all generalized coordinates.

◆ getForces() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getForces ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  _indices) const

Get the forces for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ getForceUpperLimit()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getForceUpperLimit ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's force.

◆ getForceUpperLimits() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getForceUpperLimits ( ) const

Get the upper limits for all generalized coordinates's force.

◆ getForceUpperLimits() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getForceUpperLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices) const

Get the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's force.

◆ getGravity()

const Eigen::Vector3d & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getGravity ( ) const

Get 3-dim gravitational acceleration.

◆ getGravityForces() [1/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getGravityForces ( ) const

Get gravity force vector of the MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getGravityForces() [2/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getGravityForces ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the gravity forces for a tree in this Skeleton.

◆ getIK() [1/2]

std::shared_ptr< const WholeBodyIK > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getIK ( ) const

Get a pointer to a WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton.

Because this is a const function, a new IK module cannot be created if one does not already exist.

◆ getIK() [2/2]

const std::shared_ptr< WholeBodyIK > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getIK ( bool  _createIfNull = false)

Get a pointer to a WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton.

If _createIfNull is true, then the IK module will be generated if one does not already exist.

◆ getIndexOf() [1/3]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getIndexOf ( const BodyNode _bn,
bool  _warning = true 
) const

Get the index of a specific BodyNode within this ReferentialSkeleton.

Returns INVALID_INDEX if it is not held in this ReferentialSkeleton. When _warning is true, a warning message will be printed if the BodyNode is not in the MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getIndexOf() [2/3]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getIndexOf ( const DegreeOfFreedom _dof,
bool  _warning = true 
) const

Get the index of a specific DegreeOfFreedom within this ReferentialSkeleton.

Returns INVALID_INDEX if it is not held in this ReferentialSkeleton. When _warning is true, a warning message will be printed if the DegreeOfFreedom is not in the MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getIndexOf() [3/3]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getIndexOf ( const Joint _joint,
bool  _warning = true 
) const

Get the index of a specific Joint within this ReferentialSkeleton.

Returns INVALID_INDEX if it is not held in this ReferentialSkeleton. When _warning is true, a warning message will be printed if the Joint is not in the MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getInvAugMassMatrix() [1/2]

const Eigen::MatrixXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getInvAugMassMatrix ( ) const

Get inverse of augmented Mass Matrix of the MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getInvAugMassMatrix() [2/2]

const Eigen::MatrixXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getInvAugMassMatrix ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the inverse augmented mass matrix of a tree.

◆ getInvMassMatrix() [1/2]

const Eigen::MatrixXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getInvMassMatrix ( ) const

Get inverse of Mass Matrix of the MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getInvMassMatrix() [2/2]

const Eigen::MatrixXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getInvMassMatrix ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the inverse mass matrix of a specific tree in the Skeleton.

◆ getJacobian() [1/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

The Jacobian is expressed in the Frame of the BodyNode.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobian() [2/10]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

The Jacobian is expressed in the Frame of the BodyNode.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobian() [3/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. The Jacobian is expressed in the Frame of the BodyNode.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobian() [4/10]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. The Jacobian is expressed in the Frame of the BodyNode.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobian() [5/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobian() [6/10]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobian() [7/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const JacobianNode _relativeTo,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

◆ getJacobian() [8/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobian() [9/10]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobian() [10/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const JacobianNode _relativeTo,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

◆ getJacobianClassicDeriv() [1/6]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobianClassicDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node) const

Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

The Jacobian is expressed in the World Frame.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianClassicDeriv() [2/6]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobianClassicDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node) const

Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

The Jacobian is expressed in the World Frame.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianClassicDeriv() [3/6]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobianClassicDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianClassicDeriv() [4/6]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobianClassicDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianClassicDeriv() [5/6]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobianClassicDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting the origin a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianClassicDeriv() [6/6]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobianClassicDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting the origin a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianSpatialDeriv() [1/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node) const

Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

The Jacobian is expressed in the Frame of the BodyNode.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianSpatialDeriv() [2/10]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node) const

Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

The Jacobian is expressed in the Frame of the BodyNode.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianSpatialDeriv() [3/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. The Jacobian is expressed in the Frame of the BodyNode.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianSpatialDeriv() [4/10]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. The Jacobian is expressed in the Frame of the BodyNode.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianSpatialDeriv() [5/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianSpatialDeriv() [6/10]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianSpatialDeriv() [7/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const JacobianNode _relativeTo,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode relative to another Bodynode in the same Skeleton.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

◆ getJacobianSpatialDeriv() [8/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianSpatialDeriv() [9/10]

virtual math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJacobianSpatialDeriv() [10/10]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJacobianSpatialDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const JacobianNode _relativeTo,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian time derivative targeting the origin of a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

◆ getJoint() [1/4]

const Joint * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJoint ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns the joint of given name.

[in]nameThe joint name that want to search.
The joint of given name.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJoint() [2/4]

Joint * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJoint ( const std::string &  name)

Returns the Joint of given name.

[in]nameThe joint name that want to search.
The joint of given name.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJoint() [3/4]

const Joint * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJoint ( std::size_t  _idx) const

Get const Joint whose index is _idx.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJoint() [4/4]

Joint * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJoint ( std::size_t  _idx)

Get Joint whose index is _idx.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJointConstraintImpulses()

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getJointConstraintImpulses ( ) const

Get the constraint impulses for the generalized coordinates.

◆ getJoints() [1/4]

std::vector< const Joint * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJoints ( ) const

Returns all the joints that are held by this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJoints() [2/4]

std::vector< Joint * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJoints ( )

Returns all the joints that are held by this MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJoints() [3/4]

std::vector< const Joint * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJoints ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns all the Joint of given name.

This MetaSkeleton can contain multiple Joints with the same name when this MetaSkeleton contains Joints from multiple Skeletons.

[in]nameThe joint name that want to search.
The list of joints of given name.
Skeleton always guarantees name uniqueness for BodyNodes and Joints. So this function returns the single Joint of the given name if it exists.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getJoints() [4/4]

std::vector< Joint * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getJoints ( const std::string &  name)

Returns all the Joint of given name.

This MetaSkeleton can contain multiple Joints with the same name when this MetaSkeleton contains Joints from multiple Skeletons.

[in]nameThe joint name that want to search.
The list of joints of given name.
Skeleton always guarantees name uniqueness for BodyNodes and Joints. So this function returns the single Joint of the given name if it exists.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getKineticEnergy()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getKineticEnergy ( ) const

Get the kinetic energy of this MetaSkeleton.

◆ getLinearJacobian() [1/6]

math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getLinearJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the linear Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getLinearJacobian() [2/6]

virtual math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getLinearJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the linear Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getLinearJacobian() [3/6]

math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getLinearJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const JacobianNode _relativeTo,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the linear Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

◆ getLinearJacobian() [4/6]

math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getLinearJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the linear Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getLinearJacobian() [5/6]

virtual math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getLinearJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the linear Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getLinearJacobian() [6/6]

math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getLinearJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const JacobianNode _relativeTo,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the linear Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode relative to another BodyNode in the same Skeleton.

You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

◆ getLinearJacobianDeriv() [1/4]

math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getLinearJacobianDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the linear Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getLinearJacobianDeriv() [2/4]

virtual math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getLinearJacobianDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

Get the linear Jacobian (classical) time derivative targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getLinearJacobianDeriv() [3/4]

math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getLinearJacobianDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

of a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getLinearJacobianDeriv() [4/4]

virtual math::LinearJacobian dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getLinearJacobianDeriv ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Frame _inCoordinatesOf = Frame::World() 
) const

of a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. You can specify a coordinate Frame to express the Jacobian in.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getLockableReference()

std::unique_ptr< common::LockableReference > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getLockableReference ( ) const

Get the mutex that protects the state of this Skeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getMarker() [1/6]

Marker * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getMarker ( const std::string &  name)

◆ getMarker() [2/6]

const Marker * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getMarker ( const std::string &  name) const

◆ getMarker() [3/6]

Marker * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getMarker ( std::size_t  index)

◆ getMarker() [4/6]

const Marker * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getMarker ( std::size_t  index) const

◆ getMarker() [5/6]

Marker * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getMarker ( std::size_t  treeIndex,
std::size_t  nodeIndex 

◆ getMarker() [6/6]

const Marker * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getMarker ( std::size_t  treeIndex,
std::size_t  nodeIndex 
) const

◆ getMass()

double dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getMass ( ) const

Get total mass of the skeleton.

The total mass is calculated as BodyNodes are added and is updated as BodyNode mass is changed, so this is a constant-time O(1) operation for the Skeleton class.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getMassMatrix() [1/2]

const Eigen::MatrixXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getMassMatrix ( ) const

Get the Mass Matrix of the MetaSkeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getMassMatrix() [2/2]

const Eigen::MatrixXd & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getMassMatrix ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the mass matrix of a specific tree in the Skeleton.

◆ getMutex()

std::mutex & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getMutex ( ) const

Get the mutex that protects the state of this Skeleton.

◆ getName()

const std::string & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getName ( ) const

Get name.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getNumBodyNodes()

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumBodyNodes ( ) const

Get number of body nodes.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getNumDofs()

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumDofs ( ) const

Return the number of degrees of freedom in this skeleton.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getNumEndEffectors() [1/2]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumEndEffectors ( ) const

◆ getNumEndEffectors() [2/2]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumEndEffectors ( std::size_t  treeIndex) const

◆ getNumJoints()

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumJoints ( ) const

Get number of Joints.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getNumMarkers() [1/2]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumMarkers ( ) const

◆ getNumMarkers() [2/2]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumMarkers ( std::size_t  treeIndex) const

◆ getNumRigidBodyNodes()

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumRigidBodyNodes ( ) const

Get number of rigid body nodes.

◆ getNumShapeNodes() [1/2]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumShapeNodes ( ) const

◆ getNumShapeNodes() [2/2]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumShapeNodes ( std::size_t  treeIndex) const

◆ getNumSoftBodyNodes()

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumSoftBodyNodes ( ) const

Get number of soft body nodes.

◆ getNumTrees()

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getNumTrees ( ) const

Get the number of independent trees that this Skeleton contains.

◆ getOrCreateIK()

const std::shared_ptr< WholeBodyIK > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getOrCreateIK ( )

Get a pointer to a WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton.

The IK module will be generated if one does not already exist. This function is actually the same as getIK(true).

◆ getPosition()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getPosition ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get the position of a single generalized coordinate.

◆ getPositionDifferences()

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getPositionDifferences ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  _q2,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  _q1 
) const

Return the difference of two generalized positions which are measured in the configuration space of this Skeleton.

If the configuration space is Euclidean space, this function returns _q2 - _q1. Otherwise, it depends on the type of the configuration space.

◆ getPositionLowerLimit()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getPositionLowerLimit ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's position.

◆ getPositionLowerLimits() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getPositionLowerLimits ( ) const

Get the lower limits for all generalized coordinates.

◆ getPositionLowerLimits() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getPositionLowerLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices) const

Get the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ getPositions() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getPositions ( ) const

Get the positions for all generalized coordinates.

◆ getPositions() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getPositions ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  _indices) const

Get the positions for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ getPositionUpperLimit()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getPositionUpperLimit ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's position.

◆ getPositionUpperLimits() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getPositionUpperLimits ( ) const

Get the upper limits for all generalized coordinates.

◆ getPositionUpperLimits() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getPositionUpperLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices) const

Get the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ getPotentialEnergy()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getPotentialEnergy ( ) const

Get the potential energy of this MetaSkeleton.

◆ getProperties()

Skeleton::Properties dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getProperties ( ) const

Get all properties of this Skeleton.

◆ getPtr() [1/2]

SkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getPtr ( )

Get the shared_ptr that manages this Skeleton.

◆ getPtr() [2/2]

ConstSkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getPtr ( ) const

Get the shared_ptr that manages this Skeleton.

◆ getRootBodyNode() [1/2]

BodyNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getRootBodyNode ( std::size_t  _treeIdx = 0)

Get the root BodyNode of the tree whose index in this Skeleton is _treeIdx.

◆ getRootBodyNode() [2/2]

const BodyNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getRootBodyNode ( std::size_t  _treeIdx = 0) const

Get the const root BodyNode of the tree whose index in this Skeleton is _treeIdx.

◆ getRootJoint() [1/2]

Joint * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getRootJoint ( std::size_t  treeIdx = 0u)

Get the root Joint of the tree whose index in this Skeleton is treeIdx.

◆ getRootJoint() [2/2]

const Joint * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getRootJoint ( std::size_t  treeIdx = 0u) const

Get the const root Joint of the tree whose index in this Skeleton is treeIdx.

◆ getSelfCollisionCheck()

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSelfCollisionCheck ( ) const

Return whether self-collision check is enabled.

◆ getShapeNode() [1/6]

ShapeNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getShapeNode ( const std::string &  name)

◆ getShapeNode() [2/6]

const ShapeNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getShapeNode ( const std::string &  name) const

◆ getShapeNode() [3/6]

ShapeNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getShapeNode ( std::size_t  index)

◆ getShapeNode() [4/6]

const ShapeNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getShapeNode ( std::size_t  index) const

◆ getShapeNode() [5/6]

ShapeNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getShapeNode ( std::size_t  treeIndex,
std::size_t  nodeIndex 

◆ getShapeNode() [6/6]

const ShapeNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getShapeNode ( std::size_t  treeIndex,
std::size_t  nodeIndex 
) const

◆ getSkeleton() [1/2]

SkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSkeleton ( )

Same as getPtr(), but this allows Skeleton to have a similar interface as BodyNode and Joint for template programming.

◆ getSkeleton() [2/2]

ConstSkeletonPtr dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSkeleton ( ) const

Same as getPtr(), but this allows Skeleton to have a similar interface as BodyNode and Joint for template programming.

◆ getSkeletonProperties()

const Skeleton::AspectProperties & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSkeletonProperties ( ) const

Get the Properties of this Skeleton.

◆ getSoftBodyNode() [1/4]

SoftBodyNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSoftBodyNode ( const std::string &  _name)

Get soft body node whose name is _name.

◆ getSoftBodyNode() [2/4]

const SoftBodyNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSoftBodyNode ( const std::string &  _name) const

Get const soft body node whose name is _name.

◆ getSoftBodyNode() [3/4]

SoftBodyNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSoftBodyNode ( std::size_t  _idx)

Get SoftBodyNode whose index is _idx.

◆ getSoftBodyNode() [4/4]

const SoftBodyNode * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSoftBodyNode ( std::size_t  _idx) const

Get const SoftBodyNode whose index is _idx.

◆ getState()

Skeleton::State dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getState ( ) const

Get the State of this Skeleton [alias for getCompositeState()].

◆ getSupportAxes() [1/2]

const std::pair< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::Vector3d > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSupportAxes ( ) const

Get the axes that correspond to each component in the support polygon.

These axes are needed in order to map the points on a support polygon into 3D space. If gravity is along the z-direction, then these axes will simply be <1,0,0> and <0,1,0>.

◆ getSupportAxes() [2/2]

const std::pair< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::Vector3d > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSupportAxes ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Same as getSupportAxes(), but it corresponds to the support polygon of the specified tree within this Skeleton.

◆ getSupportCentroid() [1/2]

const Eigen::Vector2d & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSupportCentroid ( ) const

Get the centroid of the support polygon for this Skeleton.

If the support polygon is an empty set, the components of this vector will be nan.

◆ getSupportCentroid() [2/2]

const Eigen::Vector2d & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSupportCentroid ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the centroid of the support polygon for a tree in this Skeleton.

If the support polygon is an empty set, the components of this vector will be nan.

◆ getSupportIndices() [1/2]

const std::vector< std::size_t > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSupportIndices ( ) const

Get a list of the EndEffector indices that correspond to each of the points in the support polygon.

◆ getSupportIndices() [2/2]

const std::vector< std::size_t > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSupportIndices ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Same as getSupportIndices(), but it corresponds to the support polygon of the specified tree within this Skeleton.

◆ getSupportPolygon() [1/2]

const math::SupportPolygon & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSupportPolygon ( ) const

Get the support polygon of this Skeleton, which is computed based on the gravitational projection of the support geometries of all EndEffectors in this Skeleton that are currently in support mode.

◆ getSupportPolygon() [2/2]

const math::SupportPolygon & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSupportPolygon ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Same as getSupportPolygon(), but it will only use EndEffectors within the specified tree within this Skeleton.

◆ getSupportVersion() [1/2]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSupportVersion ( ) const

The version number of a support polygon will be incremented each time the support polygon needs to be recomputed.

This number can be used to immediately determine whether the support polygon has changed since the last time you asked for it, allowing you to be more efficient in how you handle the data.

◆ getSupportVersion() [2/2]

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getSupportVersion ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Same as getSupportVersion(), but it corresponds to the support polygon of the specified tree within this Skeleton.

◆ getTimeStep()

double dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getTimeStep ( ) const

Get time step.

◆ getTreeBodyNodes() [1/2]

const std::vector< BodyNode * > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getTreeBodyNodes ( std::size_t  _treeIdx)

Get the BodyNodes belonging to a tree in this Skeleton.

◆ getTreeBodyNodes() [2/2]

std::vector< const BodyNode * > dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getTreeBodyNodes ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the BodyNodes belonging to a tree in this Skeleton.

◆ getTreeDofs() [1/2]

const std::vector< DegreeOfFreedom * > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getTreeDofs ( std::size_t  _treeIdx)

Get the DegreesOfFreedom belonging to a tree in this Skeleton.

◆ getTreeDofs() [2/2]

const std::vector< const DegreeOfFreedom * > & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getTreeDofs ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Get the DegreesOfFreedom belonging to a tree in this Skeleton.

◆ getVelocities() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getVelocities ( ) const

Get the velocities for all generalized coordinates.

◆ getVelocities() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getVelocities ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  _indices) const

Get the velocities for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ getVelocity()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getVelocity ( std::size_t  _index) const

Get the velocity of a single generalized coordinate.

◆ getVelocityChanges()

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getVelocityChanges ( ) const

Get the velocity changes for all the generalized coordinates.

◆ getVelocityDifferences()

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getVelocityDifferences ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  _dq2,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  _dq1 
) const

Return the difference of two generalized velocities or accelerations which are measured in the tangent space at the identity.

Since the tangent spaces are vector spaces, this function always returns _dq2 - _dq1.

◆ getVelocityLowerLimit()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getVelocityLowerLimit ( std::size_t  _index)

Get the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's velocity.

◆ getVelocityLowerLimits() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getVelocityLowerLimits ( ) const

Get the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's velocity.

◆ getVelocityLowerLimits() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getVelocityLowerLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices) const

Get the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's velocity.

◆ getVelocityUpperLimit()

double dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getVelocityUpperLimit ( std::size_t  _index)

Get the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's velocity.

◆ getVelocityUpperLimits() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getVelocityUpperLimits ( ) const

Get the upper limits for all generalized coordinates's velocity.

◆ getVelocityUpperLimits() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::getVelocityUpperLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices) const

Get the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's velocity.

◆ getVersion()

std::size_t dart::common::VersionCounter::getVersion ( ) const

Get the version number of this object.

◆ getWorldJacobian() [1/2]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getWorldJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting the origin of a BodyNode.

The Jacobian is expressed in the World Frame.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ getWorldJacobian() [2/2]

math::Jacobian dart::dynamics::Skeleton::getWorldJacobian ( const JacobianNode _node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _localOffset 
) const

Get the spatial Jacobian targeting an offset in a BodyNode.

The _offset is expected in coordinates of the BodyNode Frame. The Jacobian is expressed in the World Frame.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ hasBodyNode()

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::hasBodyNode ( const BodyNode bodyNode) const

Returns whether this Skeleton contains bodyNode.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ hasJoint()

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::hasJoint ( const Joint joint) const

Returns whether this Skeleton contains join.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ incrementVersion()

std::size_t dart::common::VersionCounter::incrementVersion ( )

Increment the version for this object.

Reimplemented in dart::dynamics::Shape.

◆ integratePositions()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::integratePositions ( double  _dt)

◆ integrateVelocities()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::integrateVelocities ( double  _dt)

◆ isEnabledAdjacentBodyCheck()

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::isEnabledAdjacentBodyCheck ( ) const

Return true if self-collision check is enabled including adjacent bodies.

◆ isEnabledSelfCollisionCheck()

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::isEnabledSelfCollisionCheck ( ) const

Return true if self-collision check is enabled.

◆ isImpulseApplied()

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::isImpulseApplied ( ) const

Get whether this skeleton is constrained.

◆ isMobile()

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::isMobile ( ) const

Get whether this skeleton will be updated by forward dynamics.

True if this skeleton is mobile.

◆ moveBodyNodeTree() [1/2]

template<class JointType >
JointType * dart::dynamics::Skeleton::moveBodyNodeTree ( BodyNode _bodyNode,
const SkeletonPtr _newSkeleton,
BodyNode _parentNode,
const typename JointType::Properties &  _joint 

Move a subtree of BodyNodes from this Skeleton to another Skeleton while changing the Joint type of the top parent Joint.

Returns a nullptr if the move failed for any reason.

◆ moveBodyNodeTree() [2/2]

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::moveBodyNodeTree ( Joint _parentJoint,
BodyNode _bodyNode,
SkeletonPtr  _newSkeleton,
BodyNode _parentNode 

Move a subtree of BodyNodes from this Skeleton to another Skeleton.

◆ notifyArticulatedInertiaUpdate()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::notifyArticulatedInertiaUpdate ( std::size_t  _treeIdx)

Notify that the articulated inertia and everything that depends on it needs to be updated.

◆ notifySupportUpdate()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::notifySupportUpdate ( std::size_t  _treeIdx)

Notify that the support polygon of a tree needs to be updated.

◆ operator=()

Skeleton & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::operator= ( const Skeleton _other)

Remove copy operator.

◆ receiveBodyNodeTree()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::receiveBodyNodeTree ( const std::vector< BodyNode * > &  _tree)

Take in and register a subtree of BodyNodes.

◆ registerBodyNode()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::registerBodyNode ( BodyNode _newBodyNode)

Register a BodyNode with the Skeleton. Internal use only.

◆ registerJoint()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::registerJoint ( Joint _newJoint)

Register a Joint with the Skeleton. Internal use only.

◆ registerNode() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::registerNode ( Node _newNode)

Register a Node with the Skeleton. Internal use only.

◆ registerNode() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::registerNode ( NodeMap &  nodeMap,
Node _newNode,
std::size_t &  _index 

Register a Node with the Skeleton. Internal use only.

◆ removeObserver()

void dart::common::Subject::removeObserver ( Observer _observer) const

Remove an Observer from the list of Observers.

◆ resetAccelerations()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::resetAccelerations ( )

Set all accelerations to zero.

◆ resetCommands()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::resetCommands ( )

Set all commands to zero.

◆ resetGeneralizedForces()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::resetGeneralizedForces ( )

Set all forces of the generalized coordinates to zero.

◆ resetPositions()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::resetPositions ( )

Set all positions to zero.

◆ resetUnion()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::resetUnion ( )

◆ resetVelocities()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::resetVelocities ( )

Set all velocities to zero.

◆ sendDestructionNotification()

void dart::common::Subject::sendDestructionNotification ( ) const

Send a destruction notification to all Observers.

This will cause all Observers to behave as if this Subject has been permanently deleted, so it should only be called when that behavior is desired.

◆ setAcceleration()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setAcceleration ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _acceleration 

Set the acceleration of a single generalized coordinate.

◆ setAccelerationLowerLimit()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setAccelerationLowerLimit ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _acceleration 

Set the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's acceleration.

◆ setAccelerationLowerLimits() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setAccelerationLowerLimits ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  accelerations)

Set the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's acceleration.

◆ setAccelerationLowerLimits() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setAccelerationLowerLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  accelerations 

Set the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's acceleration.

◆ setAccelerations() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setAccelerations ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  _accelerations)

Set the accelerations of all generalized coordinates.

◆ setAccelerations() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setAccelerations ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  _indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  _accelerations 

Set the accelerations of a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ setAccelerationUpperLimit()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setAccelerationUpperLimit ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _acceleration 

Set the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's acceleration.

◆ setAccelerationUpperLimits() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setAccelerationUpperLimits ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  accelerations)

Set the upper limits for all generalized coordinates's acceleration.

◆ setAccelerationUpperLimits() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setAccelerationUpperLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  accelerations 

Set the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's acceleration.

◆ setAdjacentBodyCheck()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setAdjacentBodyCheck ( bool  enable)

Set whether to check adjacent bodies.

This option is effective only when the self-collision check is enabled.

◆ setAspectProperties()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setAspectProperties ( const AspectProperties properties)

Set the AspectProperties of this Skeleton.

◆ setCommand()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setCommand ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _command 

Set a single command.

◆ setCommands() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setCommands ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  _commands)

Set commands for all generalized coordinates.

◆ setCommands() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setCommands ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  _indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  _commands 

Set commands for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ setConfiguration()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setConfiguration ( const Configuration configuration)

Set the configuration of this Skeleton.

◆ setForce()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setForce ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _force 

Set the force of a single generalized coordinate.

◆ setForceLowerLimit()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setForceLowerLimit ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _force 

Set the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's force.

◆ setForceLowerLimits() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setForceLowerLimits ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  forces)

Set the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's force.

◆ setForceLowerLimits() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setForceLowerLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  forces 

Set the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's force.

◆ setForces() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setForces ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  _forces)

Set the forces of all generalized coordinates.

◆ setForces() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setForces ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  _index,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  _forces 

Set the forces of a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ setForceUpperLimit()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setForceUpperLimit ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _force 

Set the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's force.

◆ setForceUpperLimits() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setForceUpperLimits ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  forces)

Set the upperlimits for all generalized coordinates's force.

◆ setForceUpperLimits() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setForceUpperLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  forces 

Set the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's force.

◆ setGravity()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setGravity ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  _gravity)

Set 3-dim gravitational acceleration.

The gravity is used for calculating gravity force vector of the skeleton.

◆ setImpulseApplied()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setImpulseApplied ( bool  _val)

Set whether this skeleton is constrained.

ConstraintSolver will mark this.

◆ setJointConstraintImpulses()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setJointConstraintImpulses ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  _impulses)

Set the constraint impulses for the generalized coordinates.

◆ setMobile()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setMobile ( bool  _isMobile)

Set whether this skeleton will be updated by forward dynamics.

[in]_isMobileTrue if this skeleton is mobile.

◆ setName()

const std::string & dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setName ( const std::string &  _name)

Set name.

Implements dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton.

◆ setPosition()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setPosition ( std::size_t  index,
double  _position 

Set the position of a single generalized coordinate.

◆ setPositionLowerLimit()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setPositionLowerLimit ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _position 

Set the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's position.

◆ setPositionLowerLimits() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setPositionLowerLimits ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  positions)

Set the lower limits for all generalized coordinates.

◆ setPositionLowerLimits() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setPositionLowerLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  positions 

Set the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ setPositions() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setPositions ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  _positions)

Set the positions for all generalized coordinates.

◆ setPositions() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setPositions ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  _indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  _positions 

Set the positions for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ setPositionUpperLimit()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setPositionUpperLimit ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _position 

Set the upper limit of a generalized coordainte's position.

◆ setPositionUpperLimits() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setPositionUpperLimits ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  positions)

Set the upper limits for all generalized coordinates.

◆ setPositionUpperLimits() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setPositionUpperLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  positions 

Set the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ setProperties() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setProperties ( const AspectProperties properties)

Set the Properties of this Skeleton.

◆ setProperties() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setProperties ( const Properties properties)

Set all properties of this Skeleton.

◆ setPtr()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setPtr ( const SkeletonPtr _ptr)

Setup this Skeleton with its shared_ptr.

◆ setSelfCollisionCheck()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setSelfCollisionCheck ( bool  enable)

Set whether to check self-collision.

◆ setState()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setState ( const State state)

Set the State of this Skeleton [alias for setCompositeState(~)].

◆ setTimeStep()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::setTimeStep ( double  _timeStep)

Set time step.

This timestep is used for implicit joint damping force.

◆ setVelocities() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setVelocities ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  _velocities)

Set the velocities of all generalized coordinates.

◆ setVelocities() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setVelocities ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  _indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  _velocities 

Set the velocities of a subset of the generalized coordinates.

◆ setVelocity()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setVelocity ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _velocity 

Set the velocity of a single generalized coordinate.

◆ setVelocityLowerLimit()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setVelocityLowerLimit ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _velocity 

Set the lower limit of a generalized coordinate's velocity.

◆ setVelocityLowerLimits() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setVelocityLowerLimits ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  velocities)

Set the lower limits for all generalized coordinates's velocity.

◆ setVelocityLowerLimits() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setVelocityLowerLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  velocities 

Set the lower limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's velocity.

◆ setVelocityUpperLimit()

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setVelocityUpperLimit ( std::size_t  _index,
double  _velocity 

Set the upper limit of a generalized coordinate's velocity.

◆ setVelocityUpperLimits() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setVelocityUpperLimits ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  velocities)

Set the upper limits for all generalized coordinates's velocity.

◆ setVelocityUpperLimits() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::setVelocityUpperLimits ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  indices,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  velocities 

Set the upper limits for a subset of the generalized coordinates's velocity.

◆ setVersionDependentObject()

void dart::common::VersionCounter::setVersionDependentObject ( VersionCounter dependent)

◆ unregisterBodyNode()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::unregisterBodyNode ( BodyNode _oldBodyNode)

Remove a BodyNode from the Skeleton. Internal use only.

◆ unregisterJoint()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::unregisterJoint ( Joint _oldJoint)

Remove a Joint from the Skeleton. Internal use only.

◆ unregisterNode() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::unregisterNode ( Node _oldNode)

Remove a Node from the Skeleton. Internal use only.

◆ unregisterNode() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::unregisterNode ( NodeMap &  nodeMap,
Node _oldNode,
std::size_t &  _index 

Remove a Node from the Skeleton. Internal use only.

◆ updateArticulatedInertia() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateArticulatedInertia ( ) const

Update the articulated inertias of the skeleton.

◆ updateArticulatedInertia() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateArticulatedInertia ( std::size_t  _tree) const

Update the articulated inertia of a tree.

◆ updateAugMassMatrix() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateAugMassMatrix ( ) const

Update augmented mass matrix of the skeleton.

◆ updateAugMassMatrix() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateAugMassMatrix ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

◆ updateBiasImpulse() [1/4]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateBiasImpulse ( BodyNode _bodyNode)

Update bias impulses.

◆ updateBiasImpulse() [2/4]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateBiasImpulse ( BodyNode _bodyNode,
const Eigen::Vector6d _imp 

Update bias impulses due to impulse [_imp] on body node [_bodyNode].

_bodyNodeBody node contraint impulse, _imp, is applied
_impConstraint impulse expressed in body frame of _bodyNode

◆ updateBiasImpulse() [3/4]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateBiasImpulse ( BodyNode _bodyNode1,
const Eigen::Vector6d _imp1,
BodyNode _bodyNode2,
const Eigen::Vector6d _imp2 

Update bias impulses due to impulse [_imp] on body node [_bodyNode].

_bodyNodeBody node contraint impulse, _imp1, is applied
_impConstraint impulse expressed in body frame of _bodyNode1
_bodyNodeBody node contraint impulse, _imp2, is applied
_impConstraint impulse expressed in body frame of _bodyNode2

◆ updateBiasImpulse() [4/4]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateBiasImpulse ( SoftBodyNode _softBodyNode,
PointMass _pointMass,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  _imp 

Update bias impulses due to impulse[_imp] on body node [_bodyNode].

◆ updateCacheDimensions() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateCacheDimensions ( Skeleton::DataCache _cache)

Update the dimensions for a specific cache.

◆ updateCacheDimensions() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateCacheDimensions ( std::size_t  _treeIdx)

Update the dimensions for a tree's cache.

◆ updateCoriolisAndGravityForces() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateCoriolisAndGravityForces ( ) const

Update combined vector of the skeleton.

◆ updateCoriolisAndGravityForces() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateCoriolisAndGravityForces ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Update the combined vector for a tree in this Skeleton.

◆ updateCoriolisForces() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateCoriolisForces ( ) const

Update Coriolis force vector of the skeleton.

◆ updateCoriolisForces() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateCoriolisForces ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Update Coriolis force vector for a tree in the Skeleton.

◆ updateExternalForces() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateExternalForces ( ) const

update external force vector to generalized forces.

◆ updateExternalForces() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateExternalForces ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Update external force vector to generalized forces for a tree.

◆ updateGravityForces() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateGravityForces ( ) const

Update gravity force vector of the skeleton.

◆ updateGravityForces() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateGravityForces ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Update the gravity force vector of a tree.

◆ updateInvAugMassMatrix() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateInvAugMassMatrix ( ) const

Update inverse of augmented mass matrix of the skeleton.

◆ updateInvAugMassMatrix() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateInvAugMassMatrix ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Update the inverse augmented mass matrix of a tree.

◆ updateInvMassMatrix() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateInvMassMatrix ( ) const

Update inverse of mass matrix of the skeleton.

◆ updateInvMassMatrix() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateInvMassMatrix ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Update the inverse mass matrix of a tree.

◆ updateMassMatrix() [1/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateMassMatrix ( ) const

Update mass matrix of the skeleton.

◆ updateMassMatrix() [2/2]

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateMassMatrix ( std::size_t  _treeIdx) const

Update the mass matrix of a tree.

◆ updateTotalMass()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateTotalMass ( )

Update the computation for total mass.

◆ updateVelocityChange()

void dart::dynamics::Skeleton::updateVelocityChange ( )

Update velocity changes in body nodes and joints due to applied impulse.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ BodyNode

friend class BodyNode

◆ DegreeOfFreedom

friend class DegreeOfFreedom

◆ EndEffector

friend class EndEffector

◆ GenericJoint

template<class >
friend class GenericJoint

◆ Joint

friend class Joint

◆ Node

friend class Node

◆ ShapeNode

friend class ShapeNode

◆ SoftBodyNode

friend class SoftBodyNode

Member Data Documentation

◆ mAspectProperties

template<class DerivedT , typename PropertiesDataT , typename... CompositeBases>
AspectProperties dart::common::EmbedProperties< DerivedT, PropertiesDataT >::mAspectProperties

Aspect::Properties data, directly accessible to your derived class.

◆ mDependent

VersionCounter* dart::common::VersionCounter::mDependent

◆ mIsImpulseApplied

bool dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mIsImpulseApplied

Flag for status of impulse testing.

◆ mMutex

std::mutex dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mMutex

◆ mNameChangedSignal

NameChangedSignal dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::mNameChangedSignal

◆ mNameMgrForBodyNodes

dart::common::NameManager<BodyNode*> dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mNameMgrForBodyNodes

NameManager for tracking BodyNodes.

◆ mNameMgrForDofs

dart::common::NameManager<DegreeOfFreedom*> dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mNameMgrForDofs

NameManager for tracking DegreesOfFreedom.

◆ mNameMgrForJoints

dart::common::NameManager<Joint*> dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mNameMgrForJoints

NameManager for tracking Joints.

◆ mNameMgrForSoftBodyNodes

dart::common::NameManager<SoftBodyNode*> dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mNameMgrForSoftBodyNodes

NameManager for tracking SoftBodyNodes.

◆ mObservers

std::set<Observer*> dart::common::Subject::mObservers

List of current Observers.

◆ mPtr

std::weak_ptr<Skeleton> dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mPtr

The resource-managing pointer to this Skeleton.

◆ mSkelCache

DataCache dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mSkelCache

◆ mSoftBodyNodes

std::vector<SoftBodyNode*> dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mSoftBodyNodes

List of Soft body node list in the skeleton.

◆ mSpecializedTreeNodes

SpecializedTreeNodes dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mSpecializedTreeNodes

◆ mTotalMass

double dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mTotalMass

Total mass.

◆ mTreeCache

common::aligned_vector<DataCache> dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mTreeCache

◆ mUnionIndex

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mUnionIndex

◆ mUnionRootSkeleton

std::weak_ptr<Skeleton> dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mUnionRootSkeleton

◆ mUnionSize

std::size_t dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mUnionSize

◆ mVersion

std::size_t dart::common::VersionCounter::mVersion

◆ mWholeBodyIK

std::shared_ptr<WholeBodyIK> dart::dynamics::Skeleton::mWholeBodyIK

WholeBodyIK module for this Skeleton.

◆ onNameChanged

common::SlotRegister<NameChangedSignal> dart::dynamics::MetaSkeleton::onNameChanged