Install DART from the AUR

DART is available in the Arch User Repository (AUR) as libdart.

Note you can manually install the package by following the instructions on the Arch Wiki or use an AUR helper like yay or pikaur (recommended for ease of install). Here we use yay.

Install Optional Dependencies

yay -S bullet coin-or-ipopt doxygen flann nlopt octomap ode openscenegraph pagmo tinyxml2 urdfdom

Install DART from AUR

yay -S libdart

To discuss any issues related to this package refer to the comments section on the AUR page of libdart here.

Install DART from Source

Install Required Dependencies

yay -S assimp boost eigen fcl freeglut libccd libgl

Install Optional Dependencies

yay -S bullet coin-or-ipopt doxygen flann nlopt octomap ode openscenegraph pagmo tinyxml2 urdfdom

Build and Install DART

  1. Clone the repository into a directory in your home folder:

    git clone git://
  2. Change directory to the DART repository and checkout the latest tag of DART 6, e.g., v6.8.2:

    cd dart
    git checkout tags/v6.8.2
  3. Create a build directory:

    mkdir build
    cd build
  4. Configure and build DART:

    cmake ..
    make -j4
  • Build Options

    • DART tests, tutorials, examples

      If you want to build the tests, tutorials, or examples, run follows:

      make -j4 tests
      make -j4 tutorials
      make -j4 examples

      Once you successfully build the tests, you can run all the tests at once as:

      make -j4 test  # or cmake -j4

      or run a particular test as:

      ./unittests/<category_name>/<test_name>  # e.g., ./unittests/unit/test_Uri

      Also, you can run tutorials and examples as:

      ./bin/<executable_name>  # e.g., ./bin/rigidCubes
  • Build Type

    You can specify the build type [ Debug | Release | RelWithDebInfo | Profile ] as:

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

    The default build type is Release.

  1. Install DART:

    sudo make install

    If you want to uninstall DART, then:

    sudo make uninstall