▼Ndart | |
►Ncollision | |
►Ndetail | |
CBulletCollisionDispatcher | |
CBulletOverlapFilterCallback | |
COdeBox | |
COdeCapsule | |
COdeCylinder | |
COdeGeom | |
COdeHeightmap | |
COdeMesh | |
COdePlane | |
COdeSphere | |
CUnorderedPairs | |
Nfcl | |
CBodyNodeCollisionFilter | |
CBodyNodeDistanceFilter | |
►CBulletCollisionDetector | |
CBulletCollisionShapeDeleter | This deleter is responsible for deleting BulletCollsionShape objects and removing them from mShapeMap when they are not shared by any CollisionObjects |
CShapeInfo | Information for a shape that was generated by this collision detector |
CBulletCollisionGroup | |
CBulletCollisionObject | |
CBulletCollisionShape | |
►CCollisionDetector | |
CCollisionObjectManager | |
►CManagerForSharableCollisionObjects | |
CCollisionObjectDeleter | This deleter is responsible for deleting CollisionObject and removing it from mCollisionObjectMap when it is not shared by any CollisionGroups |
►CManagerForUnsharableCollisionObjects | |
CCollisionObjectDeleter | This deleter is responsible for deleting CollisionObject and removing it from mCollisionObjectMap when it is not shared by any CollisionGroups |
CCollisionFilter | |
►CCollisionGroup | |
►CCollisionSource | This struct is used to store sources of ShapeFrames that the CollisionGroup is subscribed to, alongside the last version number of that source, as known by this CollisionGroup |
CChildInfo | This is information pertaining to a child of the source |
CObjectInfo | Information on a collision object belonging to this group |
CShapeFrameObserver | This class watches when ShapeFrames get deleted so that they can be safely removes from the CollisionGroup |
CCollisionObject | |
CCollisionOption | |
CCollisionResult | |
CCompositeCollisionFilter | |
CContact | Contact information |
CDARTCollisionDetector | |
CDARTCollisionGroup | |
CDARTCollisionObject | |
CdContactGeom | |
CDistanceFilter | |
CDistanceOption | |
CDistanceResult | |
►CFCLCollisionDetector | |
CFCLCollisionGeometryDeleter | This deleter is responsible for deleting fcl::CollisionGeometry and removing it from mShapeMap when it is not shared by any CollisionObjects |
CShapeInfo | Information for a shape that was generated by this collision detector |
CFCLCollisionGroup | |
CFCLCollisionObject | |
CFCLTypes | |
COdeCollisionDetector | OdeCollisionDetector wraps the ODE collision detector |
COdeCollisionGroup | |
COdeCollisionObject | |
COdeTypes | |
CRaycastOption | |
CRaycastResult | |
CRayHit | |
NColor | |
►Ncommon | |
►Ndetail | |
CAspectWithState | AspectWithProtectedState generates implementations of the State managing functions for an Aspect class |
CAspectWithVersionedProperties | AspectWithProtectedProperties generates implementations of the Property managing functions for an Aspect class |
CComposeData | |
►CComposeData< CompositeType, GetData, AspectT, Remainder... > | |
CConvertIfComposite | |
CConvertIfData | |
CCompositeData | |
CDefaultCreator | The default creator |
CDefaultCreator< T, std::shared_ptr< T >, Args... > | |
CDefaultCreator< T, std::unique_ptr< T >, Args... > | |
►CEmbeddedPropertiesAspect | |
CConvertIfProperties | Used to identify constructor arguments that can be used as Properties |
►CEmbeddedStateAspect | |
CConvertIfState | Used to identify constructor arguments that can be used as a State |
CGetAspect | |
CGetAspectImpl | |
CGetAspectImpl< AspectOrComposite, false > | |
CGetProperties | |
CGetState | |
CProxyPropertiesAspect | |
CProxyStateAspect | |
CSharedLibraryManager | |
►Nsignal | |
►Ndetail | |
CConnectionBody | Class ConnectionBody |
CConnectionBodyBase | Class ConnectionBodyBase |
CDefaultCombiner | DefaultCombiner – return the last result |
►CAspect | |
CProperties | If your Aspect has Properties, then that Properties class should inherit this Aspect::Properties class |
CState | If your Aspect has a State, then that State class should inherit this Aspect::State class |
CAspectWithStateAndVersionedProperties | |
CCloneable | Cloneable is a CRTP base class that provides an interface for easily creating data structures that are meant to be extended |
CCloneableMap | MapHolder is a templated wrapper class that is used to allow maps of Aspect::State and Aspect::Properties to be handled in a semantically palatable way |
CCloneableVector | The CloneableVector type wraps a std::vector of an Cloneable type allowing it to be handled by an CloneableMapHolder |
CComposite | Composite is a base class that should be virtually inherited by any class that wants to be able to manage Aspects |
CCompositeJoiner | Terminator for the variadic template |
CCompositeJoiner< Base1 > | Special case of only having 1 class: we do nothing but inherit it |
CCompositeJoiner< Base1, Base2 > | CompositeJoiner allows classes that inherit from various SpecializedForAspect types to be inherited by a single derived class |
CCompositeJoiner< Base1, Base2, OtherBases... > | This is the variadic version of the CompositeJoiner class which allows you to include arbitrarily many base classes in the joining |
CCompositeTrackingAspect | |
CConnection | Class Connection |
CEmbeddedPropertiesAspect | This is the implementation of a standard embedded-properties Aspect |
CEmbeddedStateAndPropertiesAspect | This is the implementation of a standard combination of embedded-state and embedded-properties Aspect |
CEmbeddedStateAspect | This is the implementation of a standard embedded-state Aspect |
CEmbedProperties | Inherit this class to embed Properties into your Composite object |
CEmbedPropertiesOnTopOf | This is an alternative to EmbedProperties which allows your class to also inherit other Composite objects by listing them as the third (and later) template arguments |
CEmbedState | Inherit this class to embed a State into your Composite object |
CEmbedStateAndProperties | Inherit this class to embed both State and Properties into your Composite object |
CEmbedStateAndPropertiesOnTopOf | This is an alternative to EmbedStateAndProperties which allows your class to also inherit other Composite objects by listing them as the fourth (and later) template arguments |
CEmbedStateOnTopOf | This is an alternative to EmbedState which allows your class to also inherit other Composite objects by listing them as the third (and later) template arguments |
CEmpty | This is an empty structure which can be used as a template argument when a zero-cost placeholder is needed |
►CFactory | Implementation of the Abstract Factory Pattern |
CEnumClassHash | |
CFactoryRegistrar | Helper class to register a object creator function to the Singleton |
CLocalResource | |
CLocalResourceRetriever | LocalResourceRetriever provides access to local resources specified by file:// URIs by wrapping the standard C and C++ file manipulation routines |
CLockableReference | LockableReference is a wrapper class of single or multiple Lockable object(s) to provide unified interface that guarantees deadlock-free locking and unlocking of the internal lockable(s) |
CMakeCloneable | The MakeCloneable class is used to easily create an Cloneable (such as Node::State) which simply takes an existing class (Mixin) and creates an Cloneable that wraps it |
CMultiLockableReference | MultiLockableReference references multiple lockables |
CNameManager | Class NameManager |
CObserver | Should be inherited by any class that wants to respond in a customized way to the destruction of a Subject |
CProxyCloneable | |
CProxyStateAndPropertiesAspect | |
CRequiresAspect | RequiresAspect allows classes that inherit Composite to know which Aspects are required for their operation |
CRequiresAspect< ReqAspect > | |
CRequiresAspect< ReqAspect1, OtherReqAspects... > | |
CResource | Resource provides file-like access to a resource loaded from URI |
CResourceRetriever | ResourceRetriever provides methods for testing for the existance of and accessing the content of a resource specified by URI |
CScopedConnection | Class ScopedConnection |
CSharedLibrary | SharedLibrary is a RAII object wrapping a shared library |
CSignal | |
CSignal< _Res(_ArgTypes...), Combiner > | Signal implements a signal/slot mechanism |
CSignal< void(_ArgTypes...)> | Signal implements a signal/slot mechanism for the slots don't return a value |
CSingleLockableReference | This class references a single lockable |
CSingleton | Singleton template class |
CSlotRegister | SlotRegister can be used as a public member for connecting slots to a private Signal member |
CSpecializedForAspect | Declaration of the variadic template |
►CSpecializedForAspect< SpecAspect > | SpecializedForAspect allows classes that inherit Composite to have constant-time access to a specific type of Aspect |
Ctype | |
CSpecializedForAspect< SpecAspect1, OtherSpecAspects... > | This is the variadic version of the SpecializedForAspect class which allows you to include arbitrarily many specialized types in the specialization |
Csub_ptr | Sub_ptr is a pointer to a Subject |
CSubject | Base class for any object that wants to report when it gets destroyed |
CTimer | The implementation of Timer class |
CUri | The Uri struct provides URI parsing and merging functionality based on RFC 3986 |
CUriComponent | |
CVersionCounter | VersionCounter is an interface for objects that count their versions |
CVirtual | This class is used to have CRTP functions inherit their template parameters virtually instead of directly |
►Nconstraint | |
CBalanceConstraint | BalanceConstraint is a kinematic constraint function designed to be passed into a HierarchicalIK module |
CBallJointConstraint | BallJointConstraint represents ball joint constraint between a body and the world or between two bodies |
CBoxedLcpConstraintSolver | |
CBoxedLcpSolver | |
CConstrainedGroup | ConstrainedGroup is a group of skeletons that interact each other with constraints |
CConstraintBase | Constraint is a base class of concrete constraints classes |
CConstraintInfo | ConstraintInfo |
CConstraintSolver | ConstraintSolver manages constraints and computes constraint impulses |
CContactConstraint | ContactConstraint represents a contact constraint between two bodies |
CDantzigBoxedLcpSolver | |
CDantzigLCPSolver | |
CJointConstraint | Class JointConstraint |
CJointCoulombFrictionConstraint | Joint Coulomb friction constraint |
CJointLimitConstraint | JointLimitConstraint handles joint position and velocity limits |
CLCPSolver | |
CMimicMotorConstraint | Servo motor constraint |
►CPgsBoxedLcpSolver | Implementation of projected Gauss-Seidel (PGS) LCP solver |
COption | |
CPGSLCPSolver | |
CPGSOption | |
CServoMotorConstraint | Servo motor constraint |
CSoftContactConstraint | SoftContactConstraint represents a contact constraint between two bodies |
CWeldJointConstraint | WeldJointConstraint represents weld joint constraint between a body and the world or between two bodies |
►Ndynamics | |
►Ndetail | |
►CBasicNodeManagerForBodyNode | |
Ctype | |
CBasicNodeManagerForSkeleton | |
CBodyNodeAspectProperties | |
CBodyNodeState | |
CCollisionAspectProperties | |
CDynamicsAspectProperties | |
CEndEffectorProperties | |
CEntityNodeBase | |
CEntityNodeBase< Base, true > | |
CEntityNodeProperties | |
CEulerJointProperties | |
CEulerJointUniqueProperties | |
CFixedFrameProperties | |
CGenericJointProperties | |
CGenericJointState | |
CGenericJointUniqueProperties | |
CJointProperties | |
CMarkerProperties | |
CPlanarJointProperties | |
CPlanarJointUniqueProperties | Properties that are unique to PlanarJoints |
CPrismaticJointProperties | |
CPrismaticJointUniqueProperties | |
CRevoluteJointProperties | |
CRevoluteJointUniqueProperties | |
CScrewJointProperties | |
CScrewJointUniqueProperties | |
CShapeFrameProperties | |
CSkeletonAspectProperties | The Properties of this Skeleton which are independent of the components within the Skeleton, such as its BodyNodes and Joints |
CSoftBodyNodeProperties | |
CSoftBodyNodeUniqueProperties | |
CSoftBodyNodeUniqueState | |
CSupportPropertiesData | |
CSupportStateData | |
CTranslationalJoint2DProperties | |
CTranslationalJoint2DUniqueProperties | |
CUniversalJointProperties | |
CUniversalJointUniqueProperties | |
CVisualAspectProperties | |
CAccessoryNode | AccessoryNode provides an interface for Nodes to get their index within the list of Nodes, as well as detach and reattach |
►CArrowShape | |
CProperties | |
CAssimpInputResourceAdaptor | |
CAssimpInputResourceRetrieverAdaptor | |
►CBallJoint | Class BallJoint |
CProperties | |
CBodyNode | BodyNode class represents a single node of the skeleton |
CBodyNodeSpecializedFor | Declaration of the variadic template |
CBodyNodeSpecializedFor< SpecNode > | BodyNodeSpecializedFor allows classes that inherit BodyNode to have constant-time access to a specific type of Node |
CBodyNodeSpecializedFor< SpecNode1, OtherSpecNodes... > | This is the variadic version of the BodyNodeSpecializedFor class which allows you to include arbitrarily many specialized types in the specialization |
CBoxShape | |
►CBranch | Branch is a specialized type of Linkage that represents a complete subtree of a Skeleton |
CCriteria | |
CCapsuleShape | CapsuleShape represents a three-dimensional geometric shape consisting of a cylinder with hemispherical ends |
►CChain | Chain is a specialized type of Linkage that represents a single unbranching and fully connected sequence of BodyNodes |
CCriteria | |
CCollisionAspect | |
CCompositeIK | Allows you to specify an arbitrary hierarchy of InverseKinematics modules for a single Skeleton |
CCompositeNode | |
CCompositePropertiesNode | |
CCompositeStateNode | |
CConeShape | ConeShape represents a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat circular base to a point called the apex or vertex |
CCylinderShape | |
CDegreeOfFreedom | DegreeOfFreedom class is a proxy class for accessing single degrees of freedom (aka generalized coordinates) of the Skeleton |
CDetachable | Special case of the Entity base class |
CDynamicsAspect | |
CEllipsoidShape | |
CEndEffector | |
CEntity | Entity class is a base class for any objects that exist in the kinematic tree structure of DART |
CEntityNode | |
CEulerJoint | Class EulerJoint |
CFixedFrame | Frame with zero relative velocity and zero relative acceleration |
►CFixedJacobianNode | |
CCache | |
CFrame | Serves as the backbone of DART's kinematic tree structure |
►CFreeJoint | Class FreeJoint |
CProperties | |
CGenericJoint | |
CGroup | |
CHeightmapShape | Shape for a height map |
►CHierarchicalIK | Convenient way of setting up a hierarchical inverse kinematics optimization problem which combines several InverseKinematics problems into one |
CConstraint | The HierarchicalIK::Constraint Function is simply used to merge the constraints of the InverseKinematics modules that belong to the hierarchy of this HierarchicalIK module |
CFunction | This class should be inherited by optimizer::Function classes that have a dependency on the HierarchicalIK module that they belong to |
CObjective | The HierarchicalIK::Objective Function is simply used to merge the objective and null space objective functions that are being held by this HierarchicalIK module |
CIkFast | A base class for IkFast-based analytical inverse kinematics classes |
CInertia | |
►CInverseKinematics | Convenient way of setting up an IK optimization problem |
►CAnalytical | Analytical is a base class that should be inherited by methods that are made to solve the IK analytically instead of iteratively |
CProperties | |
CSolution | |
CUniqueProperties | |
CConstraint | The InverseKinematics::Constraint Function is simply meant to be used to merge the ErrorMethod and GradientMethod that are being held by an InverseKinematics module |
►CErrorMethod | ErrorMethod is a base class for different ways of computing the error of an InverseKinematics module |
CProperties | The Properties struct contains settings that are commonly used by methods that compute error for inverse kinematics |
CFunction | This class should be inherited by optimizer::Function classes that have a dependency on the InverseKinematics module that they belong to |
►CGradientMethod | GradientMethod is a base class for different ways of computing the gradient of an InverseKinematics module |
CProperties | |
►CJacobianDLS | JacobianDLS refers to the Damped Least Squares Jacobian Pseudoinverse (specifically, Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse) |
CProperties | |
CUniqueProperties | |
CJacobianTranspose | JacobianTranspose will simply apply the transpose of the Jacobian to the error vector in order to compute the gradient |
CObjective | The InverseKinematics::Objective Function is simply used to merge the objective and null space objective functions that are being held by an InverseKinematics module |
►CTaskSpaceRegion | The TaskSpaceRegion is a nicely generalized method for computing the error of an IK Problem |
CProperties | |
CUniqueProperties | |
CJacobianNode | Serves as a common interface for BodyNodes and EndEffectors to both be used as references for IK modules |
►CJoint | Class Joint |
CExtendedProperties | |
CLineSegmentShape | The LineSegmentShape facilitates creating graphs of line segments |
►CLinkage | A Linkage is a ReferentialSkeleton with the special property that all the BodyNodes included in it form a contiguous graph |
►CCriteria | Used to specify how a Linkage should be constructed |
CTarget | This structure defines targets for the expansion criteria and the desired behavior for those targets |
CTerminal | Any expansion performed by the criteria will be halted if mTerminal is reached |
CMarker | |
CMeshShape | |
CMetaSkeleton | MetaSkeleton is a pure abstract base class that provides a common interface for obtaining data (such as Jacobians and Mass Matrices) from groups of BodyNodes |
CMultiSphereConvexHullShape | MultiSphereConvexHullShape represents the convex hull of a collection of spheres |
CMutexedWeakSkeletonPtr | |
►CNode | Base class for BodyNode and any object that attaches to a BodyNode |
CProperties | If your Node has a Properties class, then that Properties class should inherit this Node::Properties class |
CState | If your Node has a State class, then that State class should inherit this Node::State class |
CNodeDestructor | |
CNodeManagerJoinerForBodyNode | Declaration of the variadic template |
CNodeManagerJoinerForBodyNode< Base1 > | Special case of only having 1 class: we do nothing but inherit it |
CNodeManagerJoinerForBodyNode< Base1, Base2 > | NodeManagerJoiner allows classes that inherit from various SpecializedNodeManager types to be inherited by a single derived class |
CNodeManagerJoinerForBodyNode< Base1, Base2, OtherBases... > | This is the variadic version of the NodeManagerJoinerForBodyNode class which allows you to include arbitrarily many base classes in the joining |
CNodeManagerJoinerForSkeleton | Declaration of variadic template |
CNodeManagerJoinerForSkeleton< Base1 > | Special case of only having 1 class: we do nothing but inherit it |
CNodeManagerJoinerForSkeleton< Base1, Base2 > | |
CNodeManagerJoinerForSkeleton< Base1, Base2, OtherBases... > | This is the variadic version of the NodeManagerJoinerForSkeleton class which allows you to include arbitrarily many base classes in the joining |
CPlanarJoint | PlanarJoint represents a 3-dof joint, which has two orthogonal translational axes and one rotational axis |
CPlaneShape | PlaneShape represents infinite plane has normal and offset as properties |
CPointCloudShape | The PointCloudShape represents point cloud data |
►CPointMass | |
CProperties | Properties for each PointMass |
CState | State for each PointMass |
CPointMassNotifier | |
CPrismaticJoint | Class RevoluteJoint |
CPyramidShape | PyramidShape represents a polyhedron formed by connecting a rectangular base and a point (apex) where each base edge and apex form a triangle |
CRecording | |
►CReferentialSkeleton | ReferentialSkeleton is a base class used to implement Linkage, Group, and other classes that are used to reference subsections of Skeletons |
CIndexMap | A simple struct that contains the indexing of a BodyNode and its parent DegreesOfFreedom |
CRevoluteJoint | Class RevoluteJoint |
CScrewJoint | Class ScrewJoint |
CShape | |
CShapeFrame | |
CShapeNode | |
CSharedLibraryIkFast | IkFast-based analytical inverse kinematics class |
CSimpleFrame | Offers a user-friendly way of creating arbitrary Frames within the kinematic tree structure of DART |
►CSkeleton | Class Skeleton |
CConfiguration | The Configuration struct represents the joint configuration of a Skeleton |
CDataCache | |
CDirtyFlags | |
CSkeletonRefCountingBase | |
CSkeletonSpecializedFor | Declaration of the variadic template |
CSkeletonSpecializedFor< SpecNode > | SkeletonSpecializedForNode allows classes that inherit Skeleton to have constant-time access to a specific type of Node |
CSkeletonSpecializedFor< SpecNode1, OtherSpecNodes... > | This is the variadic version of the SkeletonSpecializedForNode class which allows you to include arbitrarily many specialized types in the specialization |
CSoftBodyNode | SoftBodyNode represent a soft body that has one deformable skin |
CSoftBodyNodeHelper | |
CSoftMeshShape | |
CSphereShape | |
CSupport | |
CTemplateBodyNodePtr | TemplateBodyNodePtr is a templated class that enables users to create a reference-counting BodyNodePtr |
CTemplateDegreeOfFreedomPtr | TemplateDegreeOfFreedomPtr is a templated class that enables users to create a reference-counting DegreeOfFreedomPtr |
CTemplatedJacobianNode | TemplatedJacobianNode provides a curiously recurring template pattern implementation of the various JacobianNode non-caching functions |
CTemplateInverseKinematicsPtr | TemplateInverseKinematicsPtr is a templated class that enables users to create a reference-counting InverseKinematicsPtr |
CTemplateJointPtr | TemplateJointPtr is a templated class that enables users to create a strong reference-counting JointPtr |
CTemplateNodePtr | TemplateNodePtr is a templated class that enables users to create a strong reference-counting NodePtr |
CTemplateWeakBodyNodePtr | TemplateWeakBodyNodePtr is a templated class that enables users to create a non-reference-holding WeakBodyNodePtr |
CTemplateWeakDegreeOfFreedomPtr | TemplateWeakDegreeOfFreedomPtr is a templated class that enables users to create a non-reference-holding WeakDegreeOfFreedomPtr |
CTemplateWeakInverseKinematicsPtr | TemplateWeakInverseKinematicsPtr is a templated class that enables users to create a non-reference-holding WeakInverseKinematicsPtr |
CTemplateWeakJointPtr | TemplateWeakJointPtr is a templated class that enables users to create a non-reference-holding WeakJointPtr |
CTemplateWeakNodePtr | TemplateWeakNodePtr is a templated class that enables users to create a weak non-reference-holding WeakNodePtr |
►CTranslationalJoint | Class TranslationalJoint |
CProperties | |
CTranslationalJoint2D | TranslationalJoint2D represents a 2-dof joint, which has two orthogonal translational axes |
CUniversalJoint | Class UniversalJoint |
CVisualAspect | |
►CWeldJoint | Class WeldJoint |
CProperties | |
CWholeBodyIK | Interface for simultaneously solving all the IK constraints of all BodyNodes and EndEffectors belonging to a single Skeleton |
CWorldFrame | Class that is used internally to create the singleton World Frame |
►CZeroDofJoint | Class ZeroDofJoint |
CProperties | |
►Ngui | |
►Nglut | |
CGraphWindow | |
CMotionBlurSimWindow | |
CSimWindow | |
CSoftSimWindow | |
CWin2D | |
CWin3D | |
CWindow | |
►Nosg | |
►Nrender | |
CBillboardPointNode | |
CBoxDrawable | |
CBoxPointNode | |
CBoxShapeDrawable | |
CBoxShapeGeode | |
CBoxShapeNode | |
CCapsuleShapeDrawable | |
CCapsuleShapeGeode | |
CCapsuleShapeNode | |
CCircleDrawable | |
CConeShapeDrawable | |
CConeShapeGeode | |
CConeShapeNode | |
CCylinderShapeDrawable | |
CCylinderShapeGeode | |
CCylinderShapeNode | |
CEllipsoidShapeDrawable | |
CEllipsoidShapeGeode | |
CEllipsoidShapeNode | |
CHeightmapShapeDrawable | |
CHeightmapShapeGeode | |
CHeightmapShapeNode | |
CLineSegmentShapeDrawable | |
CLineSegmentShapeGeode | |
CLineSegmentShapeNode | |
CMeshShapeGeode | |
CMeshShapeGeometry | |
CMeshShapeNode | |
CMultiSphereShapeDrawable | |
CMultiSphereShapeGeode | |
CMultiSphereShapeNode | |
CNonVertexPointNodes | |
CosgAiNode | |
CPlaneShapeDrawable | |
CPlaneShapeGeode | |
CPlaneShapeNode | |
CPointCloudShapeNode | |
CPointNode | |
CPointNodes | |
CPyramidShapeDrawable | |
CPyramidShapeGeode | |
CPyramidShapeNode | |
CShapeNode | |
CSoftMeshShapeDrawable | |
CSoftMeshShapeGeode | |
CSoftMeshShapeNode | |
CSphereShapeDrawable | |
CSphereShapeGeode | |
CSphereShapeNode | |
CSquareDrawable | |
CVertexPointNodes | |
CWarningShapeNode | |
Nsfs_dnd | |
CAboutWidget | |
CBodyNodeDnD | |
CDefaultEventHandler | |
CDragAndDrop | DragAndDrop is a class that facilitates enabling various kinds of dart Entities to be dragged and dropped in an dart::gui::osg environment |
CGridVisual | Attach this to a Viewer in order to visualize grid |
CImGuiDrawCallback | |
CImGuiHandler | |
CImGuiNewFrameCallback | |
CImGuiViewer | |
CImGuiWidget | |
CInteractiveFrame | |
CInteractiveFrameDnD | |
CInteractiveFrameMouseEvent | |
CInteractiveTool | |
CInteractiveToolDnD | |
CMouseEventHandler | |
CPickInfo | |
CRealTimeWorldNode | |
CSaveScreen | |
CShapeFrameNode | |
CSimpleFrameDnD | SimpleFrameDnD is a DragAndDrop implementation for SimpleFrame objects |
CSimpleFrameShapeDnD | SimpleFrameShapeDnD is a version of SimpleFrameDnD that allows a specific Shape within the SimpleFrame to be dragged and dropped (although it will carry the entire SimpleFrame with it) |
CSupportPolygonVisual | Attach this to a Viewer in order to visualize the support polygon of a Skeleton |
CTrackballManipulator | |
CViewer | |
CViewerAttachment | |
CViewerAttachmentCallback | |
CWorldNode | WorldNode class encapsulates a World to be displayed in OpenSceneGraph |
CWorldNodeCallback | |
COpenGLRenderInterface | |
CRenderInterface | |
CTrackball | |
►Nintegration | |
CEulerIntegrator | Class EulerIntegrator |
CIntegrableSystem | Any class that uses an integrator should implement this interface |
CIntegrator | Class Integrator |
CRK4Integrator | Class RK4Integrator |
CSemiImplicitEulerIntegrator | Class SemiImplicitEulerIntegrator |
►Nlcpsolver | |
CODELCPSolver | |
►Nmath | |
►Ndetail | |
CintegratePositionImpl | |
CintegratePositionImpl< SE3Space > | |
CintegratePositionImpl< SO3Space > | |
CinverseImpl | |
CinverseImpl< MatrixType, Size, Range<(0<=Size &&Size<=4)> > | |
Cis_compatible_to_uniform_int_distribution | Check whether T can be used for std::uniform_int_distribution<T> Reference: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/random/uniform_int_distribution |
Cis_compatible_to_uniform_int_distribution< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< T >::type, short >::value||std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< T >::type, int >::value||std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< T >::type, long >::value||std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< T >::type, long long >::value||std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< T >::type, unsigned short >::value||std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< T >::type, unsigned int >::value||std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< T >::type, unsigned long >::value||std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< T >::type, unsigned long long >::value >::type > | |
CNormalImpl | |
CNormalImpl< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type > | |
CNormalScalarImpl | |
CNormalScalarImpl< S, typename std::enable_if< is_compatible_to_uniform_int_distribution< S >::value >::type > | |
CNormalScalarImpl< S, typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< S >::value >::type > | |
CRange | |
CtoEuclideanPointImpl | |
CtoEuclideanPointImpl< SE3Space > | |
CtoEuclideanPointImpl< SO3Space > | |
CtoManifoldPointImpl | |
CtoManifoldPointImpl< SE3Space > | |
CtoManifoldPointImpl< SO3Space > | |
CUniformImpl | |
CUniformImpl< T, typename std::enable_if< is_base_of_matrix< T >::value >::type > | |
CUniformImpl< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type > | |
CUniformMatrixImpl | |
CUniformMatrixImpl< Derived, typename std::enable_if< !Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime &&Derived::SizeAtCompileTime !=Eigen::Dynamic >::type > | |
CUniformMatrixImpl< Derived, typename std::enable_if< !Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime &&Derived::SizeAtCompileTime==Eigen::Dynamic >::type > | |
CUniformMatrixImpl< Derived, typename std::enable_if< Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime &&Derived::SizeAtCompileTime !=Eigen::Dynamic >::type > | |
CUniformMatrixImpl< Derived, typename std::enable_if< Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime &&Derived::SizeAtCompileTime==Eigen::Dynamic >::type > | |
CUniformScalarFromMatrixFunctor | |
CUniformScalarFromVectorFunctor | |
CUniformScalarImpl | |
CUniformScalarImpl< S, typename std::enable_if< is_compatible_to_uniform_int_distribution< S >::value >::type > | |
CUniformScalarImpl< S, typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< S >::value >::type > | |
Nsuffixes | |
CBoundingBox | |
Cconstants | |
CHullAngle | |
CMapsToManifoldPoint | |
CRandom | |
CRealVectorSpace | |
CSE3Space | |
CSO3Space | |
►Noptimizer | |
►Nsnopt | |
►CSnoptInterface | |
CSlack | |
CSnoptSolver | |
CDartTNLP | Class DartTNLP |
CFunction | |
CGenericMultiObjectiveProblem | |
►CGradientDescentSolver | DefaultSolver is a Solver extension which is native to DART (rather than relying on third-party libraries) |
CProperties | |
CUniqueProperties | |
CIpoptSolver | Class IpoptSolver |
CModularFunction | ModularFunction uses C++11 std::function to allow you to easily swap out the cost function, gradient function, and Hessian function during runtime for an optimizer::Function instance |
CMultiFunction | Class MultiFunction |
CMultiObjectiveProblem | |
►CMultiObjectiveSolver | Abstract class that provides a common interface for different multi-objective optimization solvers |
CProperties | The MultiObjectiveSolver::Properties class contains Solver parameters that are common to all MultiObjectiveSolver types |
CNloptSolver | NloptSolver is a nonlinear programming solver that provides many unlerlying algorithms through nlopt (an third-party library: https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/) |
CNullFunction | NullFunction is a constant-zero Function |
CPagmoMultiObjectiveProblemAdaptor | Adaptor class for the user defined problem (UDP) that is used by Pagmo2 |
►CPagmoMultiObjectiveSolver | |
CProperties | |
CUniqueProperties | |
CPagmoTypes | |
CPopulation | |
CProblem | Class Problem |
►CSolver | Abstract class that provides a common interface for different Solvers |
CProperties | The Solver::Properties class contains Solver parameters that are common to all Solver types |
►Nplanning | |
CCircularPathSegment | |
CLinearPathSegment | |
CPath | |
►CPathFollowingTrajectory | |
CTrajectoryStep | |
CPathPlanner | The path planner class - a common interface to motion planners |
CPathSegment | |
CPathShortener | |
CRRT | The rapidly-expanding random tree implementation |
CTrajectory | |
►Nsimulation | |
CRecording | Class Recording |
CWorld | Class World |
►Nutils | |
►NMjcfParser | |
►Ndetail | |
CAsset | |
CBody | |
CBodyAttributes | Intermediate raw data read from the XML file |
CCompiler | |
CDefault | |
CDefaults | |
CEquality | |
CError | |
CGeom | |
CGeomAttributes | Intermediate raw data read from the XML file |
►CInertial | |
CData | |
CJoint | |
CJointAttributes | |
CMesh | |
CMeshAttributes | Intermediate raw data read from the XML file |
CMujocoModel | Main class to parse MJCF model file |
COption | |
►CSite | |
CData | Intermediate raw data read from the XML file |
CSize | |
CWeld | |
CWeldAttributes | |
CWorldbody | |
COptions | |
NSdfParser | |
NSkelParser | SkelParser |
►Nurdf_parsing | |
CEntity | We need a customized version of the Entity class, because we need to keep track of a Skeleton's uri in order to correctly handle relative file paths |
CWorld | |
►NVskParser | |
COptions | Options struct is additional information that helps building a skeleton that can be used in kinematics or dynamics simulation |
Cc3d_frame_t | |
Cc3d_frameSI_t | |
Cc3d_head_t | |
Cc3d_param_t | |
CCompositeResourceRetriever | CompositeResourceRetriever allows multiple ResourceRetriever to be used interchangably by: (1) associating each ResourceRetriever with a particular URI schema and/or (2) providing a precedence order for trying multiple retrievers |
CDartLoader | |
CDartResourceRetriever | Retrieve local resources from sample data files given file URI |
CFileInfoC3D | |
CFileInfoDof | Class FileInfoDof |
CFileInfoWorld | Class FileInfoWorld |
CPackageResourceRetriever | Retrieve local resources specified by package:// URIs by: (1) resolving the package path and (2) passing the resolved URI to another ResourceRetriever |
CTemplatedElementEnumerator | TemplatedElementEnumerator is a convenience class to help visiting all the child elements of given parent element |
▼NEigen | |
►Ninternal | |
Cfunctor_has_linear_access< dart::math::detail::UniformScalarFromMatrixFunctor< T > > | |
Cfunctor_has_linear_access< dart::math::detail::UniformScalarFromVectorFunctor< T > > | |
▼Nflann | |
CIndex | |
CL2 | |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< boost::filesystem::path > | |
Nurdf | |